Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Spiderman is a fan!

You’ll find the evidence behind the lj-cut. :-)

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See, even Spiderman is a fan of the movie! It can’t get cooler than that!
The scans are from “Amazing Spider-Man #528”.

I need to find out what the other super heroes think...
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Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

Goerge Langelaan

Some time ago I watched a Documentary on TV about the five Fly movies.

It seems that it's not a book that inspired the movies but a short story written by Goerge Langelaan in the 50s called The Fly . The story was published in Playboy and won the best fiction award for the magazine in 1957.

There might be a way to find the short story. It could be published elsewhere too. After all the movies were very successful! As soon as I know ow sth I'll post it.

There you go. :-)

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