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[01 Oct 2009|08:33am]
Now that he's been added, I'm posting another one of these for more lines. :]

This is Owen Johnson, pb'ed by Ole Sorensen. He comes from a tiny town called Lehi, Utah, but spent a few weeks every summer with his Aunt in Key West. So anyone who grew up in Key West and maybe lived in his Aunt's neighborhood?

He met [info]kailan on the beach a few summers ago and they've stayed in contact through the internet. Now, he is her cousin [info]buchanan's roommate at Yale in New Haven, Connecticut.

Owen met [info]ontaine in a chat room a little over a year ago. It was a chance meeting. Malcolm mistook Owen's previous screenname for that of a girl and hit on him. They somehow became friends out of the whole thing and Owen pretty much considers Malcolm to be his best friend even though he knows Malcolm has tons of friends IRL. He is also online friends with [info]kelsy.

Oh, and let's not forget he is on [info]herston's hated list. The best part is that he is totally oblivious to it.

Anyway...more lines? :]
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[01 Oct 2009|01:46pm]
any chance z berg would be wanted here?
12 comments|post comment

[01 Oct 2009|07:02pm]
what females are wanted here? i'd love to fill lines.
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[01 Oct 2009|10:46pm]
so, i'm going to do a nice little re-write for [info]eclan. she's still 18, still from miami, but moved to new york to pursue her modeling. she's friends with [info]ammc through dancing in high school. however, she's not anyone's lapdog this time around. i could use some face suggestions and if any of her lines would like to continue them, don't hesitate to say something :[ but i really, really need some face suggestions. jessica stam or cintia dicker maybe?
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