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[25 Sep 2009|10:51am]
This is Phoenix Madden Day, played by Willa Holland. She is the younger sister to [info]bixbyday. She is a little rambunctious, never been much of a girly girl. She likes to smoke pot and goes through a pack of cigarettes a day. I love complex story lines, so if anyone is looking for anything in particular, please throw ideas my way.

Lines I'd love to get for her:
Siblings/Cousins: [info]bixbyday (sister) which makes [info]kelsy her cousin.
The best girl friend
The best guy friend

Any other ideas are more than welcome!
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[25 Sep 2009|02:26pm]
would you guys rather see an evan rachel wood or valerie poxleitner? and what sort of lines could i get? so far i know she's 18, going on 19 and living in key west. hit me with your best shot!
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[25 Sep 2009|05:20pm]
before i get to setting him up, would anybody want anything with a nicholas lemons?
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[ viewing | September 25th, 2009 ]
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