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[29 Jul 2009|06:44pm]
hey yall, anyone need an asshole for a line? face/name are not negotiable and i'd prefer that he be out of hs already
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[29 Jul 2009|06:53pm]
Bonjour, you wonderful [info]tegestans! This soul snatching ginger's name is McKinley Evans. He was boren and raised in Hertfordshire, England in the good ol' UK. When the kid turned three his parents adopted his best friend [info]raadford after his parents died in a fatal car accident. Also, in the Evans family is his younger sister [info]zooeye who is a year younger than him.

His Key West connection is that when he was in second grade or so he became penpals with [info]mcknzie and still, to this day, keeps in touch.

When he and Jordan ( aka [info]raadford ) turned 17 his parents uprooted them from the UK and moved them to New York city. They've been living there for about two years now and McKinley attends college there for a creative writing major. He works in a Barnes and Noble and still lives at home. I have no idea how to do it but, f anyone wants to work out lines that'd be fantastic!
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[29 Jul 2009|09:10pm]
alright guys, gonna bring this Emmy pb here thanks to lots of pestering on someone's part ;* so I was looking to see if anyone needed any lines filled, family or otherwise before I start working on her too much.
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[ viewing | July 29th, 2009 ]
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