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≈ tegesta's storyline community!

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[25 Jun 2009|06:58am]
this here is timmy advanti, exchange student extraordinaire and ex(ish) asshole. he just graduated from tegesta and plans on heading to dartmouth with his secret (but is he really?) boyfriend. timmy's from london, the product of two wealthy divorcees who don't have the slightest idea how to raise a child, so he's practically raised himself. he's a photographic genius and has actually gotten a summer job taking pictures everywhere he goes when he backpacks in europe next month. he could use way more lines at the moment, really only has three set lines with [info]dalton, [info]klln and some kind of... "boyfriend duty" truce with [info]marilon.

anyone who wasn't at tegesta within the last year or just wasn't worth any of his time before wouldn't know him... yet. nicer non-whore timmy would give them the time of day if asked. and anyone in london between now and july 4th can randomly bump into him or something. as for his backpacking (which is really running around europe with a set plan while he just so happens to be wearing a backpack), he'll probably post that schedule later and he can meet people that way. then, of course, there are the smart people who wanted to talk to him early on but knew to stay back because he wasn't all that full of verbal niceties. As per [info]dalton's tweaking and "deep" conversation with [info]klln, he's on the road to being nicer.

basically, he can use anything and everything. abuse flickr timmy.
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[25 Jun 2009|08:01am]
alright so this here is cole bigcok, adopted brother of [info]bigcok, and i figured i'd throw him out here for some lines too. cole is 18, originally from new york, recently graduated from tegesta with the class of 09. he's supposed to attend dartmouth in the fall but that remains to be seen because he's a huge flake. in addition to that he's very selfish and he's a snob plus he likes to make fun of other people and he's manipulative by nature. he has no interest in anything academic but he's exceptionally good at pool/card games and he loves suckering people out of their money even though his family is already filthy rich. winning is one of the few things that thrill him in life and he's already developed quite the gambling problem. when it comes to girls he will say and do whatever he has to in order to get what he wants at the moment but no one has ever really held his attention because he gets bored and annoyed faster than anyone you've ever met. i would like to say that he has some redeeming qualities or that he's just a misunderstood nice guy or whatever but that's not the case. he's just a straight up asshole who was born without a conscience and raised in a family chock full of other assholes. with that being said i still need basically everything for him, from friends to enemies to girls who want to rip his balls off to people he has scammed in the past, you get the picture. whatever you got, throw it at me and we'll work with it.
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[25 Jun 2009|04:47pm]
ignore icons. this might be a really loaded question, but who are you guys absolutely dying to have? i wanna join and i'm open to playing anyone...just gotta figure out who. throw yourselves at my feet! at least figuratively ;) intense storylines can be PM'd if you want.
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i can haz moar lines plz? [25 Jun 2009|11:55pm]
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