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[06 Jun 2009|12:42am]
since it's looking like ~tegesta has a very promising future, i wanted to put jaeger out there for more lines. i've followed a bunch of characters here without her having anything to do with them, and i can say whole heartedly that this place is bursting at the seams with amazing and i really love jae so i'd love to have her as a bigger part of it!

SO. she laughs a lot and is generally pretty laid back. she's not down for girl drama and would rather walk away than argue over little things. she's tough and maybe a little too good at avoiding really serious moments. jae likes to go out and party and is the type people look to throughout the night to do something crazy. she has a bit of a took cool for school air but she's still pretty lost and has a seriously hard time letting go of it abandonment issues or something. she's a lesbian, but since she didn't shave her hair and start wearing men's clothes when she came out her mum is still in serious denial.

i'm talking everything here. she doesn't even have a best friend, for sobbing out loud.
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Changed Journal to [info]kristalynn [06 Jun 2009|02:06pm]
Hey again Tegesta! I'm back again to see if I can grab a few more storylines/ideas for storylines with Krista here in hopes she gets in with adds tomorrow. Her bio page is located HERE! has information about Krista. I'm open to pretty much anything. And here is a run down (copied from my old SL plea) as to a little Krista-insight. :)

This is Krista Davis, she would be a recent transfer student and not too happy about it. She would've been here for maybe a month or two and completely pissed off at the fact that her parents didn't let her finish her junior year out in Texas before she was forced into moving right before her Junior Prom. She isn't into sports or extra curricular activities. She'd rather find her own means of entertainment. She can be a bit of a bitch most of the time... okay pretty much the majority of the time but if she likes someone, they'll know it despite her cocky and bitchy demeanor.

And like I said before, friends, enemies, fellow trouble-makers, frienemies. All of that.
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