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[07 Mar 2009|05:01pm]
happy saturday, [info]tegestaians! i figured that while i work on his bio i should throw up an sl post of some sort, so here it is.

this is holden tagart, an 18 year old who moved in with his brother, a teacher at tegesta, back in september at the beginning of senior year. he was born and raised in seattle (coffee, rain, all that good stuff) but decided he wanted to spend senior year somewhere sunny. holden's a pretty average guy, he likes video games, most sports, and lindsay lohan. his game plan is pretty much to have fun, not fail senior year, and be a good guy. he has good intentions, but his actions don't always match up, which is pretty normal, too. he likes to think that he's pretty laid back, but the truth is that he's pretty much always amped and very energetic, always ready to go. he's down for almost everything, and is always pulling his shennanigans. his passions include jazz, olivia munn, jane austen, miley cyrus, olivia munn, xbox live, swimming, and olivia munn.

i'd love to get lines for him, whether it be tutors (especially in spanish or calc), partners in crime, best/pretty close friends, or simply class mates (his schedule is here) he's only been here since september, so i don't know how ex lines would work out, but i'd like those too!
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[07 Mar 2009|11:45pm]
would she be wanted here?

or would any of the girls in my icons here? some girls can be played bisexual.
10 comments|post comment

[07 Mar 2009|11:57pm]
So here comes my second plea! This is Ryan Collet, adopted by two doctors in the area. One is an obstetrician and the other is a gynaecologist. He's been around Key West his whole life and is often one of the guys that participates in most school activities. He's on the baseball team and is in yearbook and gsa. His schedule is here, if you scroll a bit lower. He hasn't been through anything rough, other than his parents arguing and fighting more and more. He also has another sister who was also adopted. She's of japanese heritage so it gets interesting in their house!

To go along with his lines with [info]shyloh, [info]adalyn and [info]nessac, he could also use another group of friends, a best friend, an ex, maybe someone who he tutors. Study partners ... anything. Be super creative! Maybe he goes bowling with a few people very couple weeks! Hit me with your best shot, tegesta!
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