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Hello, [info]tegesta [20 Feb 2009|09:38am]
Let's see if I can do this right because I always have a hard time basically giving Novalee any kind of description and I've been playing her for years now. Anyway, this is Novalee Stewart, she would've been attending Tegesta since freshman year when she and her older brother moved here from New Jersey because in a small town, it's never easy to forget that your family got ditched by daddy because he was gay. Novalee is an artsy kid and can constantly be found with paint on her clothing pretty much, she's also relatively shy but she's been trying to come out of her shell more this year. Sexually, she's a bit confused because she's found herself kissing a girl in a coat closer two years ago before summer and is just rendered completely speechless around boys, especially those that she finds herself having a crush on. She's a sweet kid who just doesn't really know who she is or where she's going and often she'll bury herself in her art so she needs someone who's going to drag her out of her little comfort zone and get her doing things. Other than that, best friends, boy crushes, the girl who she's been experimenting with, possibly. Anything and everything that you guys want to give her would be really appreciated.
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[20 Feb 2009|05:04pm]
I missed adds last time by five minutes. Fail. But to hunt for more lines/keep myself entertained, I figured I'd post one of these again.

This is Aria Rosencrantz, a new addition to Tegesta about a month and a half ago. She's into film, she's wacky, and hella perverted. I won't bore you with details, instead I'll just redirect you to her original sl post here and her bio/additional info/schedule right here.

In addition to all that, she's [info]druggars' soulmate/gay lover. She's is [info]evy's fast friend, a student of [info]jeanclaude and [info]dylaan's tutoring skillz, and she bonds with [info]danet over video games and smoking. [info]eggleston is the Guildenstern to her Rosencrantz, and [info]nouri, brie, and aria make a pretty good threesome.

That being said, I'd love any lines you could throw at me, whether through her info or her connections. :D
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[20 Feb 2009|10:55pm]
I'm not even going to try to search for his original storyline post, it seems like that would be a silly thing to do when I can easily explain him here. Jamie has been attending Tegesta High School since around the middle of September, he's both on the swim team as well as the track and field team though these are not things that rule his life. He's a scholar if nothing more, his marks are nearly perfect, but no where below the 85% range and that's in his worst classes. He one day has hope to be president though he's not really the type of person who talks about that a lot. Before he was 15 and started to change from a boy into a man, Jamie was nothing but the tall, skinny kid with the big ears, he hated the way he felt during that time and since growing up he's happy with his appearance and refuses to keep his hair too short, that's just his self-consciousness of course. Other than that he's pretty much really self assured. He knows what he's doing with his life, he has his plans and that's what matters to him. He's focused. He is a big comic book geek, he's a huge life long fan of Spiderman but he doesn't advertise that... so that doesn't really help. He reads a lot, spends a lot of time running errands for other people just to... do something and keep himself busy and he's often spending his weekends as far away from key west as possible because he's never really liked it there. Coming the fall he'll be attending Yale for pre-law, he's a wonderful debater as it comes in his blood. When he's finished law school he'll be set to take over the family company, Rutherford and Sons, a widely known accomplished law firm that's existed for well... a long time.

He's [info]avar's twin brother, and he's currently dating/engaged to [info]sssej. He very much doesn't like [info]luxy and right now he has sour feelings towards his once nanny's neice [info]anaj. Aside from that his storylines have since... vanished or just not played out and I'd love to have more people for him to talk to. He might be a little stuck up, he might not necessarily like other people, and 17 going on 45 but he's still a great kid who needs other great kids in his life to teach him that it's okay to dress down, and be a 17 year old once and a while.
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