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sorry if this is a little lengthy. [27 Jan 2009|07:16pm]
Now that I have her completely finished and applied, the next best thing to do would be to gather up some lines for her. This is Lily St. Claire, played by Odette Yustman. She is pretty new to Tegesta High School, arriving on he first day back after winter vacation. She was raised by her mother for the first ten years of her life since her dad got another woman pregnant and stayed there to "handle the situation". When he came back, things weren't exactly happy and full of family love. She learned that her dad was pretty much an abusive jerk and that both her parents have been having affairs for her entire life and that her entire image of family and relationships were shattered leading to big trust issues. For awhile she put on the whole happy family facade with her parents in front of people, but she became a very angry, bitter, and she likes to keep people at an arm's length thanks to the whole not trusting people. Inwardly, she's just really hurt and was so used to putting on a front that it just became natural. Her father died a few days after Christmas and her father left not only her, but the half brother she didn't know about, a large inheritance, and that is the whole reason she's in Tegesta right now, while her mom ran off to France with her lover.

Personality wise, she can come off cold and bitchy and when angry she gets very angry and vengeful, but if she chooses to open up to you she can be fun to be around. She loves anything that involves art and it's pretty much her escape from everyday life, and she's a huge fan of graffiti and writing/painting messages on walls for people to find later on. Her really long bio is here but a basic run down, schedule and more facts are listed here. As for lines, the step brother in question would be [info]stime and he doesn't know she exists yet. One of the first people she met here was [info]damiien and there is something there, just don't know what it is yet ;). Other lines would be completely fantastic though. People she talks to/hangs out with, people that don't like her, guys she can flirt with, people that she can plot pranks with, fellow art fiends, anything and everything will be wonderful. If you want to discuss something on AIM, I'll be on this little lily for most of the night, so feel free to shoot me an IM.
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