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[12 Jan 2009|12:40am]
I've been really bad lately with being active with Murphey. I don't know why, I just guess I've been in a little bit of a slump. I think it'll be much better if I get a few more lines for him, considering as of now he only talks to a total of..two. So this is me throwing him out for some more lines.

His name is Murphey Cavanaugh, he is the boyfriend to [info]charllotte and best friends with [info]alyxandria and pretty...damn immature if I can say so. He gets passing D grades, he would much rather sleep through class then pay attention at all. He makes a lot of poop and fart jokes, his favorite line is "your mom.." he is a Drawn Together nerd. He wishes he was really a Sockbat. I think that is the easiest way to describe Murph. For those of you who know the show Drawn Together, Murphey does have a lot of similarities between himself and Wooldoor Sockbat. In other words...if Stimpy and Spongebob mated they would come up with this creature. He owns two pairs of pants and three t-shirts, and he's damn proud of it. He's always running into things or walking into people. He's always got a cold or something, at least the sniffles for no real reason it's just how he is. He is 100 percent oblivious to what is going on around him. Has a painfully short attention span. Is always cold, even though he lives in Florida he is always cold. He loves stupid cartoon shows, mostly Drawn Together, Family Guy, American Dad...he plays the guitar, too.

That is all you need to know about Murphey. Like I said he only talks to two people, so whatever I can do to get more lines would be awesome. His screenname is murphey sockbat, feel free to send me random IMs at any time, too.
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[12 Jan 2009|02:29am]
I'm not too big on pre-planned storylines that was the main reason I held back on posting in here. But now hat he's accepted it only seems fitting! This is Winston and he marches to the beat of his own drum. Pretty much everything is written in his biography and facts. I'm looking for really anything at this point since it's been a while since I've been in communities or anything. Like I said, I don't like to plan things out too much in advanced because they always tend to die but I'm really up for trying anything you put my way!
4 comments|post comment if you want to email me a storyline idea! [12 Jan 2009|09:13am]
I did this not too long ago but since I am in now I figured I would throw her out there for some more stuff! This is Marylyn and she is 18 years old, making her a senior. She moved here from France when she was five. She's been in dance ever since she moved here, and she loves doing that beyond anything else, really. She dances around all the time, whether it be at home, school, out in public, etc. Not in an obnoxious, annoying way, but just small little bursts of hip wiggles and such. She's really good friends with [info]sjones because her writer is the love of my life, and her ex-boyfriend is [info]matthw (I think, because that's the line we had planned but I have yet to hear from them in about a week!). So, anyone who knows either of those two will probably know Marylyn, at least in some tiny way. She also plays soccer, and is in a few clubs. She's kind of a brainiac, but not in the way that she believes she is smarter than other people. She just likes to do good in school and keep her grades high. She's very close with her mom and is also a pretty big daddy's girl, so their little girl can do nothing wrong in their eyes, and honestly she really doesn't do much wrong. Maybe she needs someone to come in and corrupt her shiny little world a little, I don't know. Not that she's completely innocent and doesn't do things wrong...I guess I should just say she's never done anything drastically wrong and has never been caught. She likes to have fun and hang out, but isn't entirely too big in the party scene. She's the girl who likes to do things that are kind of rare for kids in high school to do. Like, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for her to want to get a group of people together and spend a Saturday at the zoo or going to the museum. She likes hanging out in out of the ordinary places like that. When people are talking about how hammered they got on the weekend and how they did things they would rather not even be known for, she's the one to talk about how she learned about the mating rituals of sea lions at the zoo. She's strange, but in a way that is almost alluring and curious.

Oh, and she has a fascination with Katt Williams and Dane Cook stand up. She's often quoting both of their acts and people who haven't seen them don't get it until she explains, which usually ends with her saying, "You have to see it, really." do. She's also into all sorts of music, and goes through phases where one particular type becomes her favorite for a few days or weeks. She has a tiny crush on country singer George Strait, even if he is old enough to be her father. She develops crushes on celebrities often, depending on what she saw on them latest, and she also gets irked by some of them for being annoying and clueless to how stupid some of the stuff they do is. She's always had a strange fascination with Britney Spears and will go into lengthy debates with Britney nazis (as she calls them) about how great Britney is. She thinks all Britney needs is someone in her life who she can fully trust...and a great hug. But, that's another story. If you befriend her, you will get to know all about that. She's pretty much in love with all things vintage, circa 1950's and 1960's...okay everything vintage, really. She loves the old pin-up fashion and style, and because of her research on her name after being told she had the same name (though different spelling) as Marilyn Monroe, she is infatuated with her, too. She likes old movies, and is a complete romantic, even though she has been burned and is a little lost on what to believe about love anymore. She's great at giving others advice about their own relationships and turmoils with them, but doesn't really follow her own advice on most occasions. There is more but that's the majority of it.

So...that's Marylyn. She needs friends, crushes, enemies (especially enemies because those are always fun), and anything else you can come up with!
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[12 Jan 2009|09:31am]
This is Meg. Meg hasn't been in Tegesta too long, only since Thanksgiving so she's still trying to get a good handle on life here, but if you ask her, she's doing a pretty good job keeping up with everything. Her family is originally from Romania, her parents lived there for quite a while but she and her older brother were both born in Philadelphia and they feel quite a gap between themselves and their parents when it comes to curfews and suitable clothing and everything in between.

Despite the fact that her family is a lot different from most everyone else's, Meg still does pretty much whatever she wants, she just finds a way to go about doing it so that her parents don't change the locks on her. She loves to dance, and she loves to be on stage, she loves playing in her backyard in a little playhouse that her family brought all the way from Philly. She's just really laid back but at the same time she's sort of giddy too.

She could really use any storylines, I don't have anything at all for her as of now so lay it on me!
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[12 Jan 2009|10:36am]
I'm pretty rubbish at starting these things, but let's just ignore my horrible introduction and get on with the show. This is Seth Osiris Deluca, 17 years old, born and raised in Shrewsbury, England only to move to Key West a month after his 15th birthday. He's quiet and reserved for the most part, reads a lot, never misses a class unless he's deathly ill, he's got amazing grades and he's very proud of those, but he's quite possibly one of the farthest things from a model student. He usually asleep in class, more than likely high on whatever he could find that day, he's not subtle, he's open and very honest. But he's friendly! And according to him, that's all that matters. He's a bit of a smooth talker, he charms and flirts without even realizing that he's doing it more often than not. I'm not really sure what else to write about him. His father is a doctor, his mother a dancer, his sister is a nuisance but he loves her to pieces. Anything else you can ask about and I'll be able to answer, I just can't think of more to say at the moment.

As for storylines I'm open to any and everything. He's undetermined about a lot of things, his sexuality included though this doesn't mean he's going to have sex with anything and everything under the sun. He needs enemies, he needs friends, he needs class mates and fellow mathletes (because who doesn't want to hang with the high mathlete who sleeps during meets?). Maybe an ex or two, a make out friend or two, I'm not sure. Everything! Anything! Don't be afraid to offer whatever you little heart desires! I'm open.
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[12 Jan 2009|11:19am]
since she's been added, more lines would be awesome. here is my original plea. :)
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[12 Jan 2009|12:21pm]
This is me seriously putting off all responsibility to cleaning my room right now so, why not make a story line pleading post? I don't really plan to plead since I'm content with where Vanessa is now I just thought with all the new members and such it would be fitting, plus it takes me away from sorting through my crap.

This was her very first post and things have changed since then. Her parents are still divorced, her mother, Sandy, lives in Texas with Vanessa's biological father, Ghram. She lives with the person she's called her dad all her life, Neil, though now things are very very rocky between them. Her best friends include [info]mcknzie, [info]tking, [info]nate, and [info]dorchies. She's in her first ever relationship with [info]tnarg who she meet when she was ten at a fat camp, yes a fat camp, and she couldn't be happier. Things are complicated on that front right now :/ She pretty much gets along with everyone, the only real person she will not get along with is [info]katlova due to a past incident revolving winter formal and just on how she feels about her. Her other friends include [info]ington, [info]sjones, [info]charllotte, [info]slne, [info]jcnda, and [info]brinker. In the past she's been fairly quiet, went unnoticed, but now she's slowly starting to come out of her shell more. She does kind of go along to get along with all the recent drama that has consumed Tegesta, and she has no side taken in the matter really. Overall she's just your typical nice girl who thinks too much about thinks, second guesses herself often and still sings Britney Spears while she gets ready for school. I probably could say a lot more but it's all in the journal if you need to do a bit of reading. In regards to story lines, anything goes really. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt whenever she meets someone new so she does have a lot of friends. I suck pretty fairly at these so maybe after taking some more cold medicine I can think of some creative ideas? Yeah probably not haha. I'm going to try and have her IM more people since I've recently come upon some free time so don't be afraid if an IM from soulja nessa pops up, also if you want to flesh out ideas that way I'm almost always available :]
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[12 Jan 2009|12:43pm]
so lately i've been toying around with bringing back an old favorite and was thinking that [info]tegesta might be a place where he can thrive. meet putnam pichler. an only child with an MIA mother and a deceased father, put lived with his aunt in texas for the past year or so. his move to [info]tegesta is a result of his setting someone's car on fire. when he's all settled, he'll be living with [info]herston and his family. oddball's probably too mild a word to describe putnam but i'd still love him to have some kind of interaction. he's intelligent, so people to warily come to him for homework help? people that he observes (AKA stalks) on a regular basis, patrons of the country club where he works, any and everything. i'll have to fix his schedule a little, i think, but i'm willing to brainstorm like whoa.
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[12 Jan 2009|04:40pm]
Meet Alfie Riviere, a senior who moved to key west the summer before junior year. He's got quite a bio, he is an old character that was itching to be played, so take a look at that. he needs friends and enemies, classmates, soccer friends, fellow music appreciators (the cello is his instrument of choice), old girl/boyfriends, etc etc. Anything really, alfie isn't picky and neither am i.

im me @ hey alfie

PS: I'd really love to get some female current or former love interests for alfie since he's quite a sweet talker.
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