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[08 Dec 2008|10:36am]
Ok so I had a whole post written up but it sounded dumb so I deleted it and this is what you get. this is Myles McGrath played by Kellan Lutz. he's nearly 18 and a senior. He's lived in Key west his whole life. He's on the swim team, doesn't 'date' and drives a fast car. A few months ago a girl he went on a couple of dates with told everyone that he's no the sex fiend he claims to be and is actually a virgin. there's a short fact list in his journal and i'm working on his biography.

So, he needs friends new and old, maybe a couple of enemies, a long list of girls that he's gone out with, the girl who told on him, team mates, crushes, class mates, study partners...whatever.
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[08 Dec 2008|11:00am]
Where to start? She cheers, dances, writes for the school paper. Her name on record is Cassandra Abaya, but she goes by Cassandra Hummel to her friends and plans on changing her name when she turns 18. She's Janie's cousin, and she's a junior. She needs friends, a best friend, a crush, um, enemies, anything you can think of. And when my brain has more ideas I will add them. Check out her bio and facts and throw stuff at me for now.

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[08 Dec 2008|11:23am]
i know there's a lot of girls here already but what girls would you like to see for storylines?
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[08 Dec 2008|12:18pm]
So since there have been a lot of additions to the game as well as removals, I was hoping to update as well as aquire new storylines for Jamison here. His original storyline plea is right here.

So, I'm not sure what I really need in way of storylines but I'm happy to offer Jamie up for pretty much anything, and I'm more than willing to come up with some ideas. Just let me know what you need/want/whatever and I'll see what I can do.
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I think Mr. Burns had the right idea when he wanted to block out the sun. [08 Dec 2008|12:33pm]
I've been lazy and painfully anti-social lately to which I'll just blame on this god damn snow. It always puts me in a crappy mood which made it harder for me to keep Murphey in his usual chipper self. I need to make him active though because I love him. With that said I'm making yet another storyline post because I feel he needs to talk to more people he really only talks to like three people.

His name is Murphey Cavanaugh, he is the nephew of [info]adalyn, but the two haven't spoken in some time because Murphey feels like she's not who he thought she was. He is also the nephew of [info]eigoud. He is the boyfriend of [info]charllotte, and considers [info]haelee his unofficial sister. He has the maturity of a fifth grader, the attention span of a 4 year old and is usually hyper for no apparent reason. He is obsessed with Disney movies and likes to pretend that his life is a Disney movie because they usually always have a happy ending. His original storyline post is here. I promise he's friendly. His screen name is Murphey Sockbat (because he's ridiculously obsessed with Drawn Together). Hello to the new and old, of course.
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[08 Dec 2008|12:41pm]
im bringing in a tyler hilton pb. storylines would be ftw, hes basically a blank slate. i hate to be cliche, too, but he's gonna be some sort of musician as there are far too many pics of him with instruments NOT to be.
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[08 Dec 2008|06:51pm]
i'll get this out before i start working on her bio when i get home from work. this is Pamela. there's no last name yet, so if anyone would like a younger sibling, i can work out stuff out! she's sixteen and currently a junior and she's basically a prude. yes, prude. that means she's a virgins, so she's very anti-Lily Allen. She is a lot like Nancy Drew, aside from the whole mystery solving. I say that like she doesn't cuss and makes up words to use instead, doesn't do anything 'bad', and probably wears old fashion clothes and loafers, though I'm just playing around with the idea for right now and she may wear a bathing suit in the locker room, pulling more on the prude stringe. She's super smart, a total geek, maybe a freak to some. Pamela could possibly cavity inducing sweet and always has candy on hand. So really she may induce those cavities, though never having one herself. as Mary Poppins would say: practically perfect in every way! though she's not perfect at all but she loves that movie to bits and can nearly quote the entire movie.

so far, she's bff with [info]nate and is his personal therapist and she has this major crush on [info]aalex and hates herself for it because he's such a boy! she denies every fact to this! i'd love some other storylines to help me figure her out more, please! i'm more than happy to brainstorm with you for some ideas.

eta, sorry to those that wanted lily, i decided to use Anna Kendrick instead. :(
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