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[30 Aug 2008|01:05am]
This is Zoie Darrow. She's a seventeen year old senior with an active imagination and a daring lifestyle to go with it. She's wanted to become a circus performer from the first moment she could remember and has still managed to stay off the short bus, despite this fact. Her past is a bit of a mystery and she tends to only tell a handful - if even that - what has really gone on in her life. So a majority of what you get is fabricated stories that make you wonder if they're real or not, and that's how Zoie likes it. She's been to Key West before, so there's a chance that she could've run into a few people here and there, but she didn't settle in Key West until her father's accident (tour bus plowed by big rig, tumbling involved, real tragic you know) which happened the summer before she became a freshman at Tegesta High. I'd love any storylines I can get, from the scandalous to the cliche "something." I don't mind brainstorming or reading through your character's info to become inspired. She's had two ex-boyfriends, so I'd love to get those lines filled, and she's a coach's assistant so that line would be lovely as well. People to play beach volleyball with her, people who think she's odd, people who help her scheme up ridiculous ideas and act them out with her, and whatever else, so comment away!
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[30 Aug 2008|04:53am]
Her biography is located here. It's not terribly long and it has a link which leads to a page about Jenna. The quick facts, sports, clubs, and personality are shown on the page that is linked and it's from her point of view. I figured it'd give show her in a better light. To sum her up though ... She's a senior who is 17. As a baby she was adopted by a French Canadian actor and as a kid she was allowed to act in a few actual movies herself but mainly stuck with animated movies that just used her voice. Her birth mother died in child birth and her dad is a dick. She adores her adoptive dad but she lives on her own now that she is old enough. Jenna started staying with her biological maternal grandma a couple of years into her teenage years. Yes she has money but she does have a normal job because she likes having a normal life. She works at the local video store. Not many people know about her past. Jenna smokes cigarettes often and smokes pot, does coke, and drinks socially. Having fun and living a normal life is her top priority. If you want to know more about her feel free to ask. I need lines for her. I have none.
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[30 Aug 2008|10:09am]
All righty, folks. I’m sort of in a funk with Adalyn but I really don’t want to lose interest in playing her because some of her storylines are fabulous. However, she could really use some more. For newcomers and people who don’t know much about her, I’ll give a brief rundown on her stats. She’s seventeen, a Key West native, and she’s bigtime into sports and social activism. She’s the soccer co-captain, volleyball co-captain, and she’s on the tennis team. She’s also part of the GSA, debate team, and amnesty international. She is open about her sexuality, she’s basically a lesbian who claims she wouldn’t turn down the right guy if he came along but she’s not really attracted to any boys at school, and she’s a proud vegetarian. She volunteers all over the place and works at the movie theater with [info]ington. Her best friends since first grade are [info]marilon, [info]lorenz, [info]xor, [info]dalton, and [info]cynric. Her “boyfriend” is [info]gainsworth and the girl who has recently broken her heart is [info]dylaan so lines through those folks would be fine with me! Don’t be afraid to offer ideas because chances are that I’ll either take it or find a way to make it work.

and [info]keean, read the comments. you have a line that you need to be informed of, haha.
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[30 Aug 2008|02:08pm]
so now that i'm officially accepted i'd love to figure out some solid lines for this brittany snow pb! her name is taylor king and she's new to the school and will be a senior. she used to live in key west when she was younger and then once again in middle school but now she's back to finish off her senior year. she does cheerleading and is the co-captain of the tennis team. she parties occasionally - drinks and will sometimes smoke. the girl is a huge flirt, but doesn't believe one drop that 'love' exists. she hates relationships and has only had one ex boyfriend but probably would have had a bunch of meaningless (for the most part) hook ups here and there. i would love any and everything for her! if anyone needs a line filled let me know and if not then comment anyway so we can work something out :)
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please dont ignore this [30 Aug 2008|02:23pm]
sup guys, i bring to you keean taylor, played by shia labeouf. he is 18 years old and is a senior. he is the school's resident stoner which means he's into drugs and all that fun stuff. he is aware of his reputation and could care less what other people think about him. he is still living with his folks and couldn't wait until he gets to move out. as far as personality goes, he is a typical asshole, he can be rude and unruly and can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. he can be an asshole and is not scared to tell you what he thinks but he's really nice once you get to know him. he has this dry sarcastic humor that often offends people. he can be smart whenever he wants to be smart and can be a total slacker when he doesn't feel like doing anything. he loves to party, smoke weed and snort blow up his nose. he is also a little bit of a ladies man, so ladies...hello! his bio can be found in his journal so feel free to check that out. he's in need of storylines, friends, ex girlfriends,best friend, flings. just give me anything ...i can pretty much fill any line that needs to be filled. there are some premade storylines in his journal, so feel free to check that out. um, i think that's about it so...comment away guys!

i will be on jewdaddy keean if you want to discuss. sorry this sl plea is so late, my computer was being a dickhead.
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AussieboyIan [30 Aug 2008|06:31pm]
Hey all! So I'm hopefully going to be applying (and accepted) with my Ed Westewick pb and was just going to pimp for some lines before I got his bio / first entry started. So far all I got are his basics. Names Ian Henrichson and he's 17 and originally from Sydney Australia. He never really knew his father, who just basically had the one night stand thing with his mom and he's an only child...well so he thinks. He moved here last year shortly after his mothers death and lives with an aunt and uncle. I know not a lot on him yet but I'd love some lines if anyones intrested. Friends, enemies, hell even frenemies and exes. Just let me know!
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lainigator [30 Aug 2008|11:43pm]
Howdy, ya'll. Ha. This is Elaine Harrington ( played by Molly Steele ). She's pretty much one of my favorite characters.. I haven't really come up with a set schedule or anything for her yet.. and I don't have any of those nifty little storyline filling descriptions. I'm all about natural chemistry! Either that or, I'm incredibly lazy. If you'll take a look in her journal there are quick facts located in there. Not very many but, enough to give you a pretty decent idea on how she is. I'm open for just about anything. She's got one ex boyfriend that she dated all throughout her Sophomore year, as well as half of her junior year [info]keean. Aside from that, I got nothin'. Free reign! Go at it, folks!

Also, if you don't feel like leaving comments, feel free to send an IM my way, I've got her signed on for this purpose and this purpose alone. :]
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