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i don't have a catchy subject, i apologize. [15 Aug 2008|12:40am]
Hello. So, I'll try to be as short as can be.
This is Calvin Huston who will celebrate his 19th18th birthday next month. He is repeating his Senior year after failing majorly his exams but also because his grades were a disaster. So of course the people he knew or used to hang with are all gone. He's kind of a loner anyway, his weird behavior, thinking he's the world's 8th wonder, everyone else's opinion isn't worth remembering and his sarcasm don't make him the best friend of all. When he failed, you probably could have heard the whole staff groaning in frustration. He's not their favorite student: he never does his homework and find the weirdest reason to explain why it's never done, always shoots random thoughts that are out of topic and enjoys playing with tape. He's a real nightmare for teachers but some students probably find him entertaining. He's not really into sports either, at least team sports but was forced by his parents to be part of teams so he could spend less time at home and maybe get ride of this energy and let other people deal with him. The best place to find him is the detention room, the library where he looks for books on every kind of subject but is never related to his school work or nearby the football stadium where he can lay in peace and make fun of those obsessed athletes and girls with no brains.
He was born in Connecticut and moved to Key West when he was 8 years old, his father actually grew up and was born in the city so he was used on spending his holidays in Florida before he and his family moved here full time. He doesn't have any brother or sister which makes the 'I'm The Shit' vibe even worse. And yeah, I've been reading a lot of Calvin & Hobbes so he's inspired by this awesome comic strip character but doesn't have a stuffed Tiger as a best friend.

Mmmm...I guess that's all? I need to type the bio & facts but there is the schedule already so who knows. I have a few storylines in mind such as a tutor, someone willing to spend their time trying to make him learn and understand his classes for some money. It definitely won't be a piece of cake and there's probably going to be a lot of slamming doors and arguments involved. Also some cousin (or cousins?) who wishes they weren't related to this nutcase and suffer from his somehow 'bad' reputation? Some neighbor who has been dealing with him since the Huston family moved to Key West and yeah, obviously they don't really have a special place in their heart for him, it can either be teacher/student. Of course some people DO enjoy his company and weird-titude so friends...all that are welcomed too!
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this was longer than i thought it would be >:| [15 Aug 2008|02:18am]
What’s up my fellow soon to be members of ~tegesta! This is Briston Berube aka Briston or Briston Lee or whatever you feel the need to call him. He is an incoming senior who will be turning 18 on Halloween and he is obsessed with drawing and taking pictures. Briston is an avid member of the photography club and is actually a pretty smart kid. Personality wise; he’s a complete mess. Briston’s parents are very good at what they do, his mom being a lawyer and his father being a doctor. While he was growing up he was molested by his babysitter for about three years. When asked if the parents wanted to press charges after they had found out, the only thing they did was cover the scandal up with money and made it go away.

They never really talked about it, leaving Briston more than confused. Which is why he is one big mess when it comes to personal things. He hates talking about himself, and is pretty anti-social. Just like in his bio, Briston is the type of kid who attends a party haggard as hell while throwing back a couple of shots, smoking a cigarette and eyeball fucking a girl as he sits in the corner. He is kind of like the undercover school man whore. He has slept with a lot of girls, but doesn’t brag about it like most people would think. He just sort of keeps to himself and doesn’t let anything slip out of his mouth that has to deal with himself.

Ever since the whole molestation thing came into play, Briston has been a little bit on the homophobic side, but really he is a bit on the bisexual line. He yearns to dabble in that world, but is so afraid to and he could never leave the ladies :’]. For sl’s I am looking for anything and everything. His classes are up in his journal so hopefully many of you can work with that. I wan hook up’s, ex girlfriends, one childhood friend that knows in depth about his past, crushes, one boy who maybe he can experiment with, enemies, teachers that love him, teachers that hate him - I am willing to work out anything and everything with you fine writers.
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all natural nora [15 Aug 2008|02:20am]
So here she is, one of the few plus sized characters in the rp world these days. Her name is Nora Johns the twin sister of [info]nikky and younger sister of pe teacher [info]johns. For all of her middle school years, and most of freshman year, she was a total outcast, even from her sister. It wasn't until she got the lead role in Grease and brought down the house at the end of freshman year that people started to show her some respect. There were of course still people who made fun of her, but it seemed like over night her social status changed. She remained close to her 'outcast' friends (the geeks, gays, etc. etc.) but suddenly had a new crop of friends, consisting of some of the populars.

Nora's brother got a job teaching PE, and to say these two don't get along would be a major understatement. Since she gained weight, he's done nothing but make fun of her and put her down, and still does, even when she's in his class. Over the years, Nora has gotten a pretty tough skin, and masks her pain with humor and sarcasm, although she isn't afraid to give it right back to those who attack her.. including her brother. She's never dated anyone, hell.. the girl hasn't even kissed a guy. She's very nervous when it comes to the opposite sex, but wants to change that this year by actually finding a boyfriend. No one wants to go to college never being kissed.

all lines are open, that means friends, crushes, enemies of course. I also would like to make her a teaching assistant. Gimme some lines, people.
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[15 Aug 2008|03:04am]
this is my penn badgley pb (obviously) and pretty much he's storyline-less right now. I currently don't even have his background down, but I do know a few things about him.

His name is Misha Petrovsky, and yes, he's Russian. He was born in Russia, but only lived there for a two years before his parents came over to the US. I do know that Misha is the men's Soccer team captain, and that he's in the closet. Right now he acts and says he's straight, but deep down knows he's attracted to guys. He's been with girls, never with guys and while the idea turns him on, it totally freaks him out. Thats kind of what I know, a jocky russian soccer boy who's in the closet.

I'm totally open to lines, any and everything.. hopefully they'll help me write his bio and get this thing done!
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[15 Aug 2008|06:10am]
I am still working out this guys bio so this is totally preemptive but maybe it will give me some ideas to incorporate in. So, anyone have any ideas? lines? let me hear it!

facts up in his journal now!
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[15 Aug 2008|08:58am]
This is Woody Taylor (known as Mr. Taylor or Mr. T by his students) the sociology teacher who has taught at Tegesta for a little over a decade. He's not a friendly person by any stretch of the imagination but he does have his moments. He's just a man who has lost all faith in society, which is ironic given the subject he teaches. He is divorced, openly homosexual, and has two children that he doesn't spend as much time with as he probably should. His younger sister is [info]gwendolyn and one of his oldest friends is [info]oshea. These lovely ladies also happen to be his neighbors. He spends an immense amount of time with [info]byington, [info]allum, [info]zachery and [info]johns. His favorite students are [info]rquel, [info]marilon, and [info]broderic but I'm looking for a couple more. (Let me know if we've discussed this line before, I feel like I'm totally spacing on a couple names.) Woody is the girl's basketball and track and field coach at the school. He also facilitates the national honor society, and he claims teachers only like the smart kids.

I'd love to get him a TA or two, those would be students he'd give much favoritism to, and I'd love to get him students whom he hates or visa versa. Lines with other faculty members, students, his athletes, NHS members, etc. would be great as well. All of his autobiography is posted here if anyone wants to take a look at that, too!
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[15 Aug 2008|11:32am]
I'm crap at these things but here goes:
Meet Lucas Hastings, pb Orlando Bloom, a 30 year old teacher of German and French IV. Lucas is a cynical New Yorker, despite not having lived there for years, who moved down to Florida in an effort to get as far away from his parents/family as possible. He has a tendency towards sarcasm and is quick to anger (although that usually passes as soon as it appears). He generally says what he's thinking, doesn't really worry about the consequences and although he's a good guy at heart it's somewhat hidden underneath it all.

And that, apart from a caffeine addiction and love of all things foreign, is pretty much all I have worked out for him atm. I would love everything you can throw at me!
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[15 Aug 2008|11:34am]
Adalyn Scout Johansson-Dean is basically the epitome of a tomboy and a hippie rolled into one. Her parents are much older, her parents had her in her forties and therefore in their sixties now, and she's the type of girl who has never had many rules at home because her parents are so disconnected with youth because of their age. She has always been a little force to be wreckoned with, younger than her half-siblings by at least ten to fifteen years, and she's the youngest of her best friends ([info]cynric, [info]xor, [info]dalton, [info]marilon, [info]lorenz). Her sports are volleyball, soccer, and tennis. She's also the captain for the volleyball and soccer team. However, despite being bigtime into sports she's also a friend to the environment and often preaches about recycling, volunteer work, and the benefits of going vegetarian. She wears dresses but she's not afraid to get dirty and she's a pretty good student. She's the type of girl who can easily talk to teachers, because most of them are her siblings' ages, and therefore she can sometimes come off as a teacher's pet but that's never her intention. She works at the local movie theater with [info]ington and is close buddies with [info]ellishay and [info]jcnda. [info]rquel is her fellow tomboy buddy and cheerleader with her other friends at all the games she can make it to. Faculty wise, she's close to [info]oshea because Rox helped Adalyn to accept her orientation when she came out as bisexual.

Storyline wise, I'd take anything and everything. I have yet to come up with her schedule entirely but I do have a general idea for what classes she's going to be taking this fall. She is part of the GSA, Debate, Soccer, Volleyball, and Tennis teams too like I mentioned above. I'm sorry this is so unorganized but even a comment of "something!" to get the ball rolling would be ace.
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[15 Aug 2008|01:29pm]
So working on her bio right now! This is Rachael Hart, who is 16 going to be 17 next month and a senior. She's lived in Key West her whole life, maybe moreso popular in middle school because she comes from a very wealthy family, and sported all A&F and designer labels because she felt that's what she needed to do. But always at heart, she's been a chill, laid back girl who will have crazy fun. Rachael's passion is music and writing, she's mostly into Beat Union, Beastie Boys, Sex Pistols, and Paramore - but of course she pretty much has a huge range of music she is into. On the weekends you'll probably catch her at the venues supporting local bands or at the bowling alley with some friends. She can pretty much use anything and everything. So far I believe she is ex's with [info]cynric, which they are also still buds and friends with [info]dalton, who also tutors her in her struggles with math, and is becoming friends with [info]lorenz. Also if I could get her "first love" type line filled in, it would be from sophomore year with some secret details involved, that would be much appreciated.

So hit me with anything!
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since my post is off the page and kind far down there.. [15 Aug 2008|03:27pm]
Morgan's orignal storyline post ! Throw anything at me, I'm up for ANYTHING, well, best friend line has pretty much been taken - I think?

EDIT - I decided to make Morgan's face AUBREY O'DAY; so got Ashley, but we still need to make our girls friends!
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[15 Aug 2008|04:10pm]
okay, so... i'm really all over the place in my life right now and can hardly keep up with comments at the moment with cyn. can those of you whom i have storylines with, have commented about storylines, and those whom would like storylines please comment this post with what we have/want/whatever so i can have everything in one place for organization. thank you guys so much! i'll will get back to you all once i've finished his biography. ps; see here for a little bit about cyn if you'd like something.

EDIT: i have part of his bio/facts up now. :)
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masquerade marly [15 Aug 2008|05:18pm]
Hey guys, this is Marlene Robespierre, pbed by Willa Holland. She goes by Marly to everyone, since her name is quite the mouthful. She has kind of an overly feminist background -- she's the child of a fling and is raised by her mom and grandma. She comes off as rather shy, but once you get to know her you can tell she's pretty much a tomboyish spunky girl. She's on the Dance Team and is the Student Council Vice President, but lately she's been really cracking down on academics and all. She's really competitive though -- she absolutely hates to lose. She's pretty much a geek as well -- especially about Harry Potter and video games.

So I'd love to see anything! Best friends, close friends, someone who knows about her crush on the swim coach and for some reason hates her and wants to expose it? Anything, really!
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hiya hyacinthe! [15 Aug 2008|06:58pm]
i just wanted to spit this out really quickly before I go off to work; i’ll probably write a better one later… but! allow me to introduce, the ever scruffy yet, somewhere under that hair, lovely: hyacinthe pixley. according to the social hierarchy she would be a nerd! she’s a complete bookworm and rarely seen without her nose in a book, ranging from graphic novels to nietzsche to sylvia browne to the encyclopedia; she adores anything supernatural, paranormal, and science fiction! she has never dated anyone mainly because {cute} boys give her the willies, but she has stolen a first kiss from someone {maybe it was a dare, maybe she got the wrong idea.. iono}. she needs some friends – other socially inept and nerd-a-licious buds, someone for that first kiss, someone who is just plain mean to her, someone who cheats off of her, someone who wants to make her the next “she’s all that”, someone she can crush on from afar, someone she can heterosexually girl-crush on from afar! or maybe even that evil little girl in her first entry! i’m open to anything, everything, and everyone! feel free to skim her first entry, please mind the haphazard writing.
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it's late, but i can't sleep! [15 Aug 2008|10:54pm]
yo yo yo. meet jacksen lovell, but you can call him jack, or lovell (depending on how you know him). he is an eighteen year old senior! he was born and raised in key west. his father is in real estate, and his mother is a trophy wife. he is heavily involved in academics and sports. he is a pitcher for the baseball team, and the co-captain of the golf team. he is also an active drama club member, and an NHS alum. he is the total guy next door. wash board abs, tan skin, party boy. he is loyal to his friends, and has been dating [info]rileyjen since they were in diapers, practically. he is bffs with [info]bracken.

he needs more friends, hopefully a sister, maybe an ex while on a break from his gf for one reason or another, some girls that drool over him, some sports bros, some teachers, and all that jazz! you know you love jesse!
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