Fans of CSI: Miami - December 22nd, 2007

Dec. 22nd, 2007


10:13 pm - Fic Post: An Outspoken Little Girl, Some Mistletoe, and Blankets of Snow

Title: An Outspoken Little Girl, Some Mistletoe, and Blankets of Snow
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Eric/Ryan
Warnings: boy sex, a bit of fluff
Word Count: 2292
Disclaimer: Belongs to Jerry Bruckheimer
Summary: Ryan brings Eric to Boston for Christmas
Prompt: Mistletoe. From [info]alligator138's prompt chart.
A/N: So um, the prompt was mistletoe. But, ah, the story kinda ran away with me, and it doesn't appear till the end of the story. This wasn't meant to be this long, I highly intended for this to end as a drabble or something of the like.

Mistletoe )

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