Fans of CSI: Miami

Feb. 13th, 2008


04:41 pm - Fic Post: Bounce

Title: Bounce
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Eric/Ryan, Kyla
Word Count: 1027
Warnings: Hand job, m/m, kissing. Shameless pimping of Sky Dancers.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Prompt/Summary: After Kyla's birthday party, her and her friends are asleep, it's late, and the bouncy castle doesn't come down until the next day.
A/N: Written for [info]alligator138's Valentine's Day Challenge. And I now want a bouncy castle of my very own.

What do you say we go check out that castle, and see how much bounce it's got? )

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Feb. 4th, 2008


10:29 pm - Fic Post: Where We Stand

Title: Where We Stand
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Speed/Eric
Word Count 221
Warnings: Fluff, schmoopy fluff, slight spoilers from Bang Bang, You're Debt
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: The morning after. Takes place after Back to Me.

Read more... )

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Dec. 22nd, 2007


10:13 pm - Fic Post: An Outspoken Little Girl, Some Mistletoe, and Blankets of Snow

Title: An Outspoken Little Girl, Some Mistletoe, and Blankets of Snow
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Eric/Ryan
Warnings: boy sex, a bit of fluff
Word Count: 2292
Disclaimer: Belongs to Jerry Bruckheimer
Summary: Ryan brings Eric to Boston for Christmas
Prompt: Mistletoe. From [info]alligator138's prompt chart.
A/N: So um, the prompt was mistletoe. But, ah, the story kinda ran away with me, and it doesn't appear till the end of the story. This wasn't meant to be this long, I highly intended for this to end as a drabble or something of the like.

Mistletoe )

Current Location: basment
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Nov. 15th, 2007


03:35 pm - Fic Post x2

Title: Domestic Bliss
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Speed/Eric/Ryan
Word Count: 342
Warnings: boy kissing, fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Belongs to Jerry Bruckheimer
Summary: Eric loves the domestic life

Domestic Bliss )

Title: Flustered
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Speed/Eric
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Belongs to Jerry Bruckheimer
Summary: Eric knows what buttons to push

Flustered )

Current Location: basement
Current Mood: [mood icon] hungry
Current Music: deja vu- beyonce
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Aug. 14th, 2007


06:29 pm - Obligatory first post

Greetings, one and all. My name is Snuffy, your friendly, neighbourhood moderator, welcoming you to the community. Please wipe your feet off before you enter.

Let the awesome begin.

Current Mood: [mood icon] okay
Current Music: "All You Wanted" by Michelle Branch
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