Jan. 25th, 2009


Fic: Friday

Email: makebelievearchive@gmail.com
Author's websites: http://peja.insanejournal.com/ http://peja1956.livejournal.com and http://www.squidge.org/peja/cgi-bin/viewuser.php?uid=1
Fandom: Crusoe
Pairing: Crusoe/Friday
Portrayed by: Philip Winchester/Tongai Arnold Chirisa
Category: drabble, slash
Rating: FRT
Status: complete, 94 words
Spoilers: doubtful
Series/Sequel: are you kidding
Brief Summary: Crusoe reflects on his Friday
Warnings: slash...does that need a warning? after all...its slash
Notes/acknowledgments: written for the wwomb's crusoe lists and Lists
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: Crusoe does not belong to me. no profit made here
Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to the archive
Forwarding to other lists: Okay, but keep my name and headers attached. A heads up would be nice as well.

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