August 19th, 2012

02:19 am

WHO: Colton and Max Creed, plus Terri Gonzalez!
WHAT: Colton went searching for new digs for the winter and someone stumbles about them.
WHERE: Farm’s on the south side of Hartford. I imagine somewhere in the vicinity of Greg’s place.
WHEN: Friday, in the later part of the afternoon around 3PM. June 29th.
RATING: PG most likely. Colton has a dirty mouth.

I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world )

04:40 pm

Who: Nick and Hilde
What: Looking for a goat.
When: Friday, morning.
Where: Outside of town, farm type areas.
Rating: Low

Three Billy Goats Gruff )

04:42 pm

WHO: Hilde and Bridget
WHAT: A Reunion!
WHERE: The Hartford Library
WHEN: Friday Afternoon, June 29.

Is this the real life, or is it phantomicy? )