August 12th, 2007

[info]black_raven in [info]crsvr_fics

Harris Family Reunion (Multi-crossover)

Special Note: This story is a round robin created by LLN on Twisting The Hellmouth. I have their full permission to post my chapter from it on here, as well as a link to the main story. I have posted LLN's prologue so that people will know what my chapter is about. I encourage you to go to the site and  read all the chapters, but that is up to you, since I do not have the individual authors permissions to advertise their chapters here as well.

Title: The Harris Family Reunion
Rating: Ranges from PG to R
Author: LLN+ contributions from many others
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/many others
Pairing: ?
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or any of the crossover characters that will be used.
Summary: We all have black sheep's in the family. Some are just blacker or whiter than others. Let the chaos begin...

Author's Notes: I just realized how bi this could get. And I would go insane trying to write about all the characters related to Xander. Well more insane than I'm. So, I send out a call for help...HELP! If anyone as an ideal about who is or could be related to Xander write it and added it to this...I would love to read it. But there are rules...Yes, I said rules but there simple... Anything goes...T.V. Movies, Anime, Slash, Het. Whatever, you know the deal...Yes I have read Tales from a Bar and like the idea. You don't have to add anything...but I'll be sad. I'll start out the first chapter or two and this counts as the first chapter but will be added more...I'll look forward to seeing who you think Xander will be related too.

Here is the link to the rest of the story:

Prologue )

Title: The Harris Family Reunion, Of Rifles and Bats
Rating: PG-13
Author: Black Raven
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Supernatural
Pairing: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or any of the crossover characters that will be used.
Summary: John recieves an invitation from Mary's relatives, inviting him to a family reunion.