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[11 Oct 2013|01:43pm]

Who: Carter Hall Shayeara Hall maybe a Zinda blake cameo.
What: meeting new people
Where: ARGUS base
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Locked/Incomplete.
helping someone get better used to the world. )

[09 Jul 2013|07:49am]

Who: Guardian and lady blackhawk.
What: getting her out
Where: undisclosed location.
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Locked/complete.
legends are real )

[30 Jun 2013|01:37pm]

Who: Clark and Lois.
What: Getting used to it the new job.
Where: Metropolis.
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Locked/complete.
so much damage. )

[13 Jun 2013|11:18pm]

Who: Guardian and Hawkgirl.
What: first contact
Where: Crash site then Area 51
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Locked/complete.
Wings can't come off? )

[07 Jun 2013|04:54pm]

Who: Batman and Wonder woman
What Crash landing
Where: Themiscyra
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Locked/Incomplete.
Unexpected results )

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