Crossing Towns RPG

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July 15th, 2012

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WHO: Kevin Melton & Katie Green
WHERE: Ice Cream!

Kevin had been really nervous all week. He worried about everything, where to go, what to see, etc. Though when it came to the date, later that week, Kevin felt all his worries go away. He really liked Katie and his crush on her from high school had never gone away. He took her to a movie and let her pick, which was fine with him seeing as he was having trouble deciding. After the movie was over, they went out for ice cream.

Sitting down to enjoy the company of Katie along with his ice cream, Kevin felt rather good about the date. "How did you enjoy the movie?" Kevin asked as he spooned some ice cream in his mouth.

July 8th, 2012

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WHO: Mervin & Kevin Melton
WHAT: Brotherly Chats!
WHERE: Ten-Pin

Mervin liked summer more than the kids since it was nice to relax with his brother, son, and daughters without the annoyance of papers to grade and homework looming over them. He didn't tell the kids yet, but he was planning a small trip to Maryland before the summer ended to celebrate his health, their success, and the buzz surrounding the cafe. It was set to open soon and while Merv was still focused on the alley, he was grateful for the new business and better financial situation. If anything, it let him give his family free beer and food without guilt!

"Beer?" He offered Kevin. It was nearly closing time so the place was mostly empty except for a few regulars who didn't care if the boss cracked open a cold can. "Gotta celebrate the end of the year, huh?" He laughed then. "Gotta? I sound like Matty now."
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