Crossing Towns RPG

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June 21st, 2012

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WHO: Lauren Bonifacio & Katie Green
WHAT: Talking
WHERE: Coffee place

Lauren was glad when Katie returned safely to Clifton. Katie was a friend and their sons were brothers. It had been quite stressful here and Lauren could not imagine what Katie had gone through. All that mattered was she was back home for her son. She didn't need to know the details of what happened, but Lauren thought it would be good for Katie to get some fresh air and hang out for a little bit. She asked Katie to come have coffee with her and chat about fun things.

June 19th, 2012

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In an effort to make it up to the boys that they don't have a dad around, Claire took Jay and Clay out for a special brunch on Sunday morning.

Merv receives: this on a t-shirt and this book.

The card says:


I'm so glad we've grown closer because I would never have gotten to see what a good man and a great father you are. Thank you for all you've done for my little ones, it means the world to me.


Kyle receives: this little plaque and this book.

The card says:


If Jay and Clay can't have a dad of their own, then I'm glad you're in their life. I couldn't ask for a better male influence for them. Thank you always for everything you do for them, you'll never know what it means to all of us.


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Brady got that asshole his dad this watch and a really generic card.

He also stealthily sent Kyle a card and a restaurant gift card for he and Lauren to have dinner out.

June 18th, 2012

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For Father's Day, Kyle gets this book and a box of chocolates, plus a card from Regina that says, 'Thanks for Being Like a Father'.

For Merv

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Angie gets Mervin a box of chocolates and a fairly standard card.

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For Kyle

Happy Father's Day, Daddy.

Love you

and with it as a cookbook and a chocolate cake.

June 17th, 2012

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For Jonathan: Lauren gets him a father's day card and a generic gift card that can be spent anywhere.

For Kyle: He also get a father's day card and something quite special that's for just the two of them, no kids.

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For Father's Day, Mervin gets a handwritten card and three yummy meals made by Alexa including a cake she made for after dinner.

Happy Father's Day! <3

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I love you, Daddy! )


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For the first time since marrying Lauren, Kyle gives Jonathan a Father's Day present. Jonathan gets a photo album filled with photos from Tyler's childhood (Ty only, no traces of Lauren, Kyle, Chelle, or other extended Bonifacio relatives). He also gives him a general gift card.


We've had our differences, but I want to tell you thank you. Without you, Tyler wouldn't be who he is and I happen to think he is one amazing boy. Happy Father's Day.


Jonathan & Merv

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Merv gets a bowling shirt with his name on it and this mug.

Jonathan got surprised when Matty showed up on his door-step with coffee and donuts. Matty also got him a series DVD that Jonathan mentioned wanting to see.

For Jonathan, Kyle, & Merv

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Jonathan gets tickets to see his favorite baseball team play, a book centered on new scientific break-throughs, and this sappy, but meaningful plaque.

Kyle gets a book Ty knew he wanted, an engraved traveling coffee mug for his new job, and this little plaque. Ty also made him lunch to show *some* of his cooking lessons are paying off.

Merv gets a gift card to buy some new work-out clothes, a pair of tickets matching Jonathan's and the following note:


Sometimes I forget to give you credit, but when I remember growing up, I always remember you being there. We need to hang out soon. Maybe dinner or a movie on me? Just us.


June 15th, 2012

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WHO: Trixie, Chloe and Jay (later on!)
WHAT: Trixie needs help!
WHERE: Her home!
WHEN: Friday afternoon!
STATUS: Incomplete!

Trixie has been on stages more times than she can really remember. She's twirled around before audiences, performed a number of talents and watched the judges eyes follow her every move. Today though, Trixie was sure that she had never been this nervous before. The moment that Jay had asked her to a movie, she immediately contacted her friend Chloe to help her figure out what to wear. Normally, this would have been so much fun to do, as she had imagined her going on first date but this was nothing like she had imagined. Trixie was incredibly nervous and she wasn't sure why! Jay was so sweet and she was excited to go out with him!

"Okay." Trixie said as she turned to face Chloe. "What do you think of this?" It was a simple skirt and one of her favorite purple blouses. Looking back over to the mirror again, she shook her head. "No, this looks stupid."

Letting out a heavy sigh Trixie fell back on her bed. "I'm never going to find anything! I don't know why I'm trying so hard, maybe I'm over thinking this! How am I supposed to know if this is even a date?"

Katie & Jonathan & Matty

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WHO: Katie & Matty Green, Jonathan Jenkins
WHAT: Katie comes home.
WHERE: Her apartment/Jonathan's apartment
WHEN: We'll say it is slightly backdated to Wednesday, June 13th.
STATUS: Completed unless we keep going. ;p

That didn't mean he never cried when he was alone. )

June 13th, 2012

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Who: Lana and Dave Lauer.
What: The long awaited sibling thread! ..and just chatting I think.
When: Erm.. IDK.. in the afternoon of some day.
Where: At their apartment.
Warnings: *shrugs* PG-13 for language maybe? IDK.

Serious Dave is serious. )

June 4th, 2012

Another Birthday Gift for Dave!

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From the girl with the massive crush on him, Dave gets two tickets to the Yankees game.


Enjoy the game, tell me how it goes! Have a fantastic birthday.


June 3rd, 2012

Another present for Dave!

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Ty gives Dave an autographed baseball photograph from Dave's favorite team along with a gift card to his favorite restaurant.


Happy birthday, man! Keep being cool.


Happy Birthday, Dave!

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Merv gives Dave many free bowling tickets along with his own personal ball in Dave's favorite color.


Happy birthday, dude. You've become an awesome friend. Enjoy your day.


June 2nd, 2012

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WHO: Madeline & Alex
WHAT: Backdated to the town picnic
WHERE: Heading to the town picnic

I want to spend the whole day with you. )

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WHO: Alexa & Emma
WHAT: Bumping into each other
WHERE: Outside Shakespeare Inc

Thank you...for the money )
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