Crestwood RPG

December 2015

Welcome to Crestwood, a safe haven for mutants. Join others like you as they build a community within the safety of the mountains, out of the prying eye of the government.



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Oct. 28th, 2015



Who: Bart Finn and Tally Parrino
What: Literally the weirdest pillow talk to ever occur
When: Early morning
Where: Bart's Room
Rating: PG, thoughts of murder, but none too graphic. It's actually fluff lol
Status: Closed/Complete/log.

It was nice, it was the closest to home she had ever felt. And then she woke up. )

Oct. 27th, 2015



WHO: Aaron Harker & Poppy Fields
WHEN: Sept 28, late Monday night.
WHERE: On the way back to Crestwood from Sweeney's.
WHAT: Aaron apologizes for being a jerk + family feels.

You've put actual thought into how you'd murder me? )

Oct. 26th, 2015




Who: Bart Finn & Tally Parrino
What: Pondering murder
When: September 28, just before midnight.
Where: Bart's room in Unit D (sorry Bart's roommate)
Rating: R for musings of murder, language, etc.
Status: Closed, Complete, log.

You know, Bambi... If I didn't want to kill you so bad, I might actually like you. )



Who: Remy and Roxie Fox
What: Reunion!
When: After the snowball fight.
Where: Crestwood grounds.
Rating: Likely PG-13 since they both have  potty mouths.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Oct. 23rd, 2015



Who: Daryn O'Conner, Winnie Renquist, and all who RSVP'd
What: Surprise 'baby' shower
Where: Main Lodge
When: Sunday, September 27th beginning at 1pm
Rating: TBA, assumed low
Status: IC/OOC

This was taking non-traditional to a whole new level... )

Oct. 21st, 2015



WHO Sailor Dittmar and his list of RSVPs
WHAT The murder of Lord Morte
WHERE Unit 1
WHEN Sept. 26th, beginning at 5pm

Every murderer is probably somebody’s old friend )



WHO: Martin Baum & Poppy Fields
WHEN: Sept. 26th, morning to early afternoon
WHERE: Lost on an Alaskan mountain
WHAT: Look, it's easy to get lost on a mountain

Winning on technicalities isn’t real winning! )

Oct. 20th, 2015




WHO: Cori Cavanaugh & OPEN
WHAT: Cori is going to get murdered, or be murdered (jk, she's finding a surprise)
WHEN: September 25, 2015, an hour after this.
WHERE: Unit 8
RATING: Language likely, rest TBD
STATUS: Ongoing//Open till filled

When she started to play, Steinway came down personally and rubbed his name off the piano. )

Oct. 15th, 2015




WHO: Maggie Paine & Vlad Vasiliev
WHAT: Breakfast
WHEN: Wednesday September 23, 2015, 8:45 AM
WHERE: Unit B's kitchen
RATING: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Coffee: nectar of the gods )

Oct. 8th, 2015




WHO: Daryn O'Conner and Winnie Renquist
WHERE: High in the sky
WHEN: Sept. 19th, Afternoon
WHAT: Hot air ballooning!
STATUS: Closed/Complete

But a person hot air-ballooning with a talking cat in a bag? Fascinating. )

Oct. 9th, 2015



WHO: Daniel Gilbert and Daryn O'Conner
WHAT: Meeting a fellow trainee
WHERE: Dining Hall
WHEN: September 15th (BACKDATED)
RATING: Not sure
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

At least she wasn't one of those eager youngsters running around with no sense  )

Oct. 6th, 2015




WHO: Joelle Cretti & April Doe
WHAT: Jo meets a new patient
WHEN: Friday, September 18, 2015, 9:00 AM
WHERE: Medical
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Tell me your story. )

Oct. 5th, 2015




WHO: Naya Keane and Sailor Dittmar
WHEN: Sept. 18th, 8pm
WHERE: Vinci’s
WHAT: A proper date
STATUS: Closed/Complete

I'm just trying to figure out where the facade ends and the real you begins. )

Oct. 4th, 2015




WHO: Cordelia Cavanaugh & Sailor Dittmar
WHAT: Cori finally has a bit of a breakdown
WHEN: September 17, 2015, 8:30 PM
WHERE: Around Crestwood Grounds and outside Unit One
RATING: Medium; language likely
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Tick, Tick, Boom )

Oct. 5th, 2015



WHO: Daniel Gilbert and Silas Sweet
WHAT: Training meet up
WHERE: Empty room in the Lodge, wherever Silas picked
WHEN: September 14th (BACKDATED)
RATING: Not sure
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Surely this Silas Sweet had something he could take for himself and use )

Oct. 3rd, 2015



who: The Gilbert's
what: Celebrating Eli's birthday
when: 09/16 [backdated], mid-day
where: The lodge, heading to the city
rating: tbd
status: Incomplete, closed

Eli had a bit of a hang over )

Sep. 24th, 2015



Who: Oriana Krause and Jared Stokes
What: Night in shining armor arrives with a ... hoodie.
When: Around 10
Where: Outside of Sailor's party
Rating: tbd
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Stupid drunks having fun. Jared wanted to have fun too. )

Sep. 23rd, 2015




WHO: Everyone in Crestwood, 21+
WHEN: Sept. 12, 8:30pm onward
WHERE: Unit 1
WHAT: Candy Party!
RATING: TBD (Possibly high for language)
STATUS: OPEN/Incomplete

Like sugar to my heart, baby
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy )

Sep. 22nd, 2015



WHO: Aaron Harker & Poppy Fields (& NPC Civilian)
WHEN: [BACKDATED] Sept. 8, closing shift at Sweeney's
WHERE: Sweeney's Pub
WHAT: Aaron's first day at work
WARNINGS: Mild violence

And here I thought you were just some selfish brat who doesn't know how to apologize. )

Sep. 18th, 2015



Who: Daryn O'Conner and Asim Khalil
What: Getting Acquainted
Where: Crestwood Grounds -
When: September 9th, evening
Rating: G
Status: Closed/Complete

...she needed to know the lay of the land... )