Dec. 23rd, 2011


Characters Matthew Selwyn, Caroline Selwyn, and ANYONE ELSE who sees fit to attend a funeral for an Auror cadet! (Just...tag yourselves in when/if you join! :D)
Date: Saturday, 11 March, 1978
Where: The Chapel of Our Lady of the Assumption, in Bosham, West Sussex
Summary: Matthew sits through the wake for his sister, after LYING to his PRIEST about whether or not she was "Saved" and baptised!
Completion: In progress!

Arise, my Love./The grave no longer/has a hold on you/No more death's sting/No more suffering )

Nov. 2nd, 2011


RP: Bonding (hopefully)

Characters: Sirius and Lily
Date: Wednesday, 21st December 1977, middle of the night
Where: Gryffindor Common room
Summary: Sirius and Lily finally manage to do something else besides arguing (or Marie’s and Lindsay’s secret plan to take over the backplot comm with Lily and Sirius threads ;-))
Completion: Complete

holidays are coming )

Oct. 25th, 2011


RP: What do you want?

Characters: Lily & Sirius
Date: November 8, 1977
Where: The Library (Hogwarts)
Summary: It's been a few weeks since Lily & James started dating and Sirius still resents Lily. So he comes to bother her.
Completion: Complete.

Oh leave me alone. )

Sep. 28th, 2011


RP: Flirting

Characters: Alice & Frank
Date: April 23, 1976
Where: Gryffindor Common Room
Summary: Alice is adorable. Frank is clueless.
Completion: In-Progress

Oh to be young again )

Sep. 20th, 2011


RP: It's a teenage dream.

Characters: Avish and Kingsley
Date: May 20, 1974
Where: Hogwarts. The Library.
Summary: They know things are about to change, and it's a bittersweet occasion, but they still manage to keep in good spirits.
Completion: In-Progress

And you're thinking he's the one...knew it at fifteen. )

Aug. 29th, 2011


RP: Tease

Characters: Bellatrix & Rodolphus
Date: November 03, 1968
Where: Hogwarts Grounds
Summary: Bellatrix teases Rodolphus
Completion: Complete

Oh to be young and not yet in love )

Aug. 25th, 2011


RP: Nargles Versus Snorkacks

Characters: Sookie & Xeno
Date: August 25, 1976
Where: A Wizarding Natural Museum in Greenland
Summary: Innocent, Kooky Sookie & Zany Xeno meet, she is in awe of his work & he leaves, completely besotted with her
Completion: Complete

Beware of the cutest future couple ever! )


RP: This is Your Fault

Characters: Alice & Frank
Date: December 23, 1979
Where: Their Flat
Summary: Alice has some news for Frank
Completion: Complete

There's a Future B.A.M.F. Cooking! )

Aug. 23rd, 2011


RP: Lily & James are cute

Who: Lily Evans & James Potter
When: October 23, 1977
Where: Hogwarts. More specifically, the Quidditch pitch.
Summary: Lily and James' first kiss! Because it is adorable and we HAD to do it, okay?
Completion: Complete

The first game of the season. )

Aug. 3rd, 2011


Who: Tiny Sirius and tiny Regulus
Where: Grimmauld Place
When: May 3rd, 1970
Summary: Playing and causing some chaos
Status: In-progress

Sirius never wanted to get old! )

Jul. 31st, 2011


RP: Awkward!

Characters: Marlene, Severus, James, & Lily
Date: March 31, 1978
Where: Hogwarts Halls, then classrooms
Summary: On their way to their weekly lessons, Severus & Marlene walk in on James & Lily in a compromising situation
Completion: Complete-ish (Marlene & Sev can finish theirs, but Lily & James is done)

I really didn't need to see that )

Jul. 20th, 2011


RP: Anger

Characters: Marlene & Severus
Date: May 09, 1981 (early morning, just after two or three)
Where: St. Mungo's
Summary: Severus rushes to St. Mungo's after learning of Marlene's attack
Completion: Complete

When life becomes a roller-coaster and I can't keep my footing )

Jul. 12th, 2011


RP: Mommy Woes

Characters: Alice, Neville, & Keith
Date: July 12, 1981
Where: Longbottom home
Summary: Neville is entering his bratty stage, Frank is gone on a mission, and oh yes, their lives are in danger. This calls for a visit from daddy!
Completion: Complete

Single mothers are saints )


RP: Calm Down

Characters: Albus Dumbledore & Severus Snape
Date: May 08, 1981
Where: Dumbledore's Office
Summary: Dumbledore makes things worse
Completion: Complete

In which our sassy, gay headmaster pokes his nose in where it doesn't belong )


RP: The Secret

Characters: Marlene McKinnon, Yvainne McKinnon (briefly), & Sirius Black
Date: September 12, 1980
Where: Order H.Q.
Summary: Sirius outs Marlene
Completion: Complete

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? )


OWL: Urgent Meeting

Characters: Albus Dumbledore & Severus Snape
Date: May 08, 1981
Where: St. Mungo's/The Skies/Sev's Townhouse
Summary: Dumbledore thinks Severus needs to know where his girlfriend is
Completion: Complete-ish

In Which Dumbledore Butts In )

Jul. 10th, 2011


RP: Sirius finds out about Lily's pregnancy

Characters: James Potter, Lily Potter, & Sirius Black
Date: Early December 1979
Where: Leaky Cauldron
Summary: Lily and James meet up with Sirius for dinner, having both agreed to keep Lily's surprise pregnancy a secret for the time being.
Completion: Incomplete

The pub was usually busy this time of year... )

Jul. 8th, 2011


RP: Broken

Characters: Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Emmeline Vance, Charlotte McKinnon, Ministry/St. Mungo's NPC's
Date: May 08, 1981
Where: Department of Mysteries, then St. Mungo's
Summary: What takes place before and after Marlene's attack.
Completion: Complete

I'm right awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn )