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Feb. 5th, 2008 @ 10:49 am (no subject)
Unfortunately with time constraints and RL issues, we've decided to close the community.

Thank you to everyone!
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Nov. 30th, 2007 @ 02:01 pm Allow me to introduce myself.
Allow me to introduce myself )
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Sep. 23rd, 2007 @ 09:42 pm Intro.
I really don't see a point in writing this. I'm Hayate. And I hope none of you lack common sense like certain people I know. I work two jobs. One is common--I'm a handyman--I do deliveries and watchguard duties at Awayuki Mansion in Japan. The other job few people know about. To put it simply when strange things happen, I usually help fix them. I don't get thanked for it and I don't expect it. It's no one's business to know more than that about the past and present.

OOC: Hayate is taken from after the end of Prétear(including the closing.) He can still act like a complete pain and is pretty closed and hypocritical(though he'll never admit the latter). He's open for RP and talking among other things, though for a while he probably won't know what the hell to talk about...Oh, and he'll call just about anyone stupid or lacking in common sense, so don't let the insults get to you.
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Aug. 9th, 2007 @ 11:31 am Holiday
Isabel is being dragged away for a much needed holiday. The writer will get her all caught up when she returns.

Thank you.
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Aug. 3rd, 2007 @ 03:56 pm Well then..
Name's Alec. Alec McDowell to be exact. I've gone by a few names really. There was my least favorite X5-494, Monty Cora though that was my boxing name, then Alec thanks to my buddy Max based off smart aleck, hey beats her second choice, Dick. I know the numbers might have you confused and for now I'll just let them unless you know Max you might know what they mean.

just your average guy. Bike messenger extraordinaire.

Alright truth be told I'm not so normal I'm a genetic cocktail gone crazy. Human DNA with a dash of kitty. Fun yes? I'm faster, stronger, and yeah I'll just shut up.

Like I said it's Alec. Though I've been x5-494 for most of my creation..

I'm 23, I love funny witty women, and long walks on the beach. Interested?


Want to know somethng? Ask. You might get an answer.

Alec is from James Cameron's Dark Angel, He can be a smartass........at times. Okay yeah given his name you can be pretty sure he's like that....a lot. aHe is open for roleplay and talking. Sure if you ask about the numbers he'll brag about what he is.
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Aug. 2nd, 2007 @ 08:22 am Hey
My name's Sam Winchester, and I work in the family business with my brother, Dean.

Fate has a way of pulling you back when you thought that part of your life was over. First it was dad missing and my girlfriend Jess' death, now it's a part of who I am. I thought I could escape my past, but you can't run from yourself.

Now, I'm traveling with my brother on the longest road trip ever. Listening to mullet rock on cassette. Yeah, I know... cassettes right? Who has those still? Apparently only Dean.

[Sam is from the TV show Supernatural and he is open for RP and talks]
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Jul. 28th, 2007 @ 08:24 am Intro.
My name depends on what ID I'm showing and who you are. Seriously name's Winchester, Dean Winchester. *fake british accent*

Seriously. I'm Dean. Not much I can tell you, because there isn't much you'd believe about what I do. Let's just say I work the family business, and I save people. Whether they know it or not. I have my baby brother Sammy along for the ride.

And what a sweet ride my baby is. Sleek. Black. Purrs like a kitten. my 1967 Chevy Impala. She's a beauty.

Anything you want to know, ask I may answer if I think you can handle it. Though no promises I won't have to kill you afterward. I'm kidding! Really.

Dean is from Eric Kripke's Supernatural. Excuse his warped sense of humor lol. He is available for rp and the like and whatnot.
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Jul. 28th, 2007 @ 08:10 am Greetings
Name is Joshua. Not much to know about me, I was the first. Father made me, named me Joshua then he left me. True enough he left me. Then Max, Littlefella, she found me all alone and we got out of Manticore. She is my friend she helps keep Joshua safe. Not easy for me to go outside. I like to paint. I like strawberry shortcake. Little Debbie. Ask and I will talk, won't bite.

Joshua is from the show Dark Angel. He's open for rp.
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Jul. 2nd, 2007 @ 12:17 am The Story of a Sadist
Current Mood: hungry
Current Music: The Tea Party - The Messenger

I could start this out on a high note and give my name and say how pleased I am to meet you, but really do we want to start off on a lie?  I did not think so which means let me offer you some truths instead.

And those truths are back here )
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Jul. 1st, 2007 @ 07:52 am July 2007 Prompts
July 2007 Prompts

001. It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. - Andre Gide 002.imbue 003. A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward. - Jean Paul Richter
004.Chip on his shoulder 005. What do you care about most? 006. Graffiti
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Jun. 29th, 2007 @ 09:37 pm Intro
Hello! Jack Spicer, Evil Boy Genius at your service. And yes, I do expect you to pronounce the capital letters.

Let's see, how can I summarize this... I'm your typical goth geek boy genius, I build robots in my spare time, don't see very much of my parents even though they try to spoil me, you get the idea.

When I was twelve, my dad sent me a puzzle box he picked up somewhere in Hong Kong. When I solved it, it freed the spirit of an ancient, evil witch named Wuya who wanted to pick up where she left off in the process of conquering the earth, and she needed these magical doo-dads called Shen Gong Wu to do it. Being pretty into the idea of world domination myself, I figured it sounded like a good plan and threw in with her.

Of course, there's a bunch of do-gooding monks who want to stop the world from being conquered, because there always is (I know this, I watch wuxia movies you know) and there's my evil hero Chase Young who's incidentally a dragon and just came out of evil retirement or whatever and there's Hannibal Bean, who actually is a bean and is also creepy as fuck as well as evil.

I kind of suck at taking over the world, but hey, I'm flexible. I can wait.

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Jun. 28th, 2007 @ 11:33 am OOC Notice

For the next month, month and a half I will have limited internet access. I will be keeping up with prompts as well as I can during the process of this move but just in case, I didn't want anyone to think I had decided to give up on the prompts!

For updates on my progress or to contact me feel free to make use of my mun journal: [info]cooper_fanatic

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Jun. 24th, 2007 @ 10:35 am Commenting
Just to let everyone know that Isabel is open for anyone to comment on things posted in her journal. Generally, I only use mood icons for 1st person posts and leave the mood blank for 3rd person narratives.
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Jun. 10th, 2007 @ 09:53 am Hi
Hi, my name is Haley James Scott. I’m Nathan Scott’s wife and we’re expecting a son… any time now actually. We’re also seniors at Tree Hill High in North Carolina. That’s where I grew up with my best friend Lucas Scott. As you can tell by the same last names, he’s also my brother-in-law. Long story short, Nathan and Lucas have the same father but different moms.

There used to be this rivalry between them that exploded when Lucas’ uncle Keith asked Whitey Durham to give Lucas a shot on the basketball team. Lucas won the spot and eventually they became teammates, friends and brothers. I know, way to gloss over the details, Hales. But that’s not really my story to tell anyway. It’s theirs.

I fell in love with Nathan, which didn’t set well with Lucas at first. That’s a story for another time, though. Nathan and I were married our junior year. How is that possible you ask? Well, he was emancipated and my parents are awesome. It wasn’t easy, but we made it through a really hard first year of marriage. Including my leaving to go on tour with Michelle Branch and the Wreckers. I’m very lucky that the one person I love the most, loved me back. He didn’t give up on me when I fell far short.

I left touring and came back to Tree Hill to be with Nathan. I won’t lie, this portion of my history was the hardest to get through. But we did and we are so much stronger for it. Nathan asked me to marry him again, renewing our vows in front of our friends and family. It was the best and worst day of my life. I don’t know how I could have gone from on top of the world to feeling like my life was spiraling out of control in under thirty minutes. At least that had a happy ending. It’s a story way too long to put in this introduction. We’ll just say that Nathan was a hero that day and survived to live a life with me and our soon to be son.

Through Nathan and Lucas, I met two girls that turned out to be my best friends. I say turned out because I never would have pictured book worm, Tutor Girl Haley to be best friends with popular cheerleaders Peyton Sawyer and Brooke Davis. But that’s what happens when you only look at the label and not the person underneath. If you take the time to see the person you will find a close friend. At least I did with them.

So that’s me. Haley James Scott of Tree Hill North Carolina. I live a pretty great life with people around that support and love me. You can’t really ask for more than that to get you through life.

OOC and spoilers )
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Jun. 9th, 2007 @ 09:51 am This is where I introduce myself huh?
I'm not very good at this kind of thing. Well, lets start with the basics. My name is Rodney McKay. I'm a scientist - a very good scientist. Brilliant, in fact.

Three years ago I signed up for the Atlantis Programme - a move that quite literally changed my life. Can't give you the exact details of that as it's classified. Lets just say I get to find new life and civilisations, shall we?

Life out here is hard. We have made enemies; powerful ones that have the ability to destroy us. We are at war, melodramatic as that sounds. After misagreeing with the military mindset for most of my life, I have had to embrace it... just a little. I have had to learn to fight, to defend myself and others. I have had to learn to shoot a gun to kill, which I never imagined in my worst nightmares. I have had to learn to fly, which is actually fairly cool.

Until I came to Atlantis, I was a loner. You can't be out here, not and survive at any rate. But I have found people that are worthy of my trust, to be called friends.

So I suppose it's not all bad.

[OOC: Rodney is from Stargate Atlantis. He is open for RP and interaction, abet grudgingly.]
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Jun. 7th, 2007 @ 10:49 pm The Story of a Girl
First there was a Girl, young and impressionable and terrifingly intelligent.

Then there was an Academy, her parents heard it was the best and she was excited to go even though it meant leaving behind her beloved Brother. She liked to learn, see?

Then there were tests.
Knives... blue hands, screaming, blood... blood... so much...

and... then the whispering started.. and she started to see things...
see differently
hear different
be different...

She tried to call for Him, her Brother... but at first he didn't come. Nothing nothing nothing until one day he was there, and he took her away to a ship that lived in the sky...

and it was happy. friends. new family. Firefly Serenity.

There was a grumpy old captain, a tragic beauty, a happy mechanic, a secretly and strangely gentle mercenary, a wise scary haired shepard, a warrior woman and her loving windleaf pilot... a family like the one that threw them away when her brotherdoctor came to take her away...

But there were whispers, apple bits, and the grumpy mercenary's secret betrayal turned to begrudging friendship...

And they went for a ride, bad things came, they hid the people away safe and I ate a bug.

Then an octopus spoke and something awoke... and secrets that were lost got found and told...

and the girl... who turned into a woman when they didn't look... found something else... when the whispers quieted down she found... herself... the one that was lost under the secrets that weren't even hers... she...

She cries at night because she has a new secret, one that she can't tell them, one that they can't see... broken hearts have no home.

So. Here she is. A broken thing with dark secrets she can't tell about.

[River Tam, Firefly/Serenity, darker version. See post tagged as creative_muse in rp lj for more info *Grin*]
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Jun. 7th, 2007 @ 08:02 pm This is apparently the appropriate course of action.

The name is Vergil; there is no last name, as far as you yourselves are concerned. I doubt you know of me. Frolicking amongst the lesser beings of the world doesn't happen to be one of my favorite past times. I am the eldest son of Sparda, a being that rose against his own kind in Hell for mankind, for all of the good it did him. His power, while impressive, served him little in the end where he was as weak as a child against those who sought their retribution at last.

Or so I've been told.

Firstly, let me make it crystal clear that I am not your friend. I will not be your shoulder to cry on, and I could honestly care less about each of your pitiful mortal woes and whinings. I have far better things to do with my time. Each of you is an insect, scuttling along on a meaningless path that bears little on my own. Impressive as you may seem on the surface, you all die the same.

To further this point, I will state here and now that I am a nephilim; that is, a half-demon born to the 'hero' of mankind and a mortal woman. As far as I know, both parents are dead. I could care less one way or the other, unlike the wibbling little snotrag I am forced to call brother. Yes, that's right. Even monsters like myself have kith and kin: He'd be a demon hunter, and a shoddy one at that. A more pitiful, futile profession I could not imagine if I tried. A more pathetic, emotional bag of failings you would be hardpressed to find.

Instead...You could say I am interested in knowledge. Power. Those who prove to be of some use are rewarded accordingly. I might be heartless, but I am not without my honor. Those who do not...Well. I don't believe I need to point out the obvious.


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Jun. 7th, 2007 @ 03:05 pm Hey
Hey, my name is Max Guevera and if you've seen the news lately or read the tabloids, you probably know who I am. I'm one of the 'mutants' that live in Terminal City. The Freak Nation. Don't listen to what they have to say about us. We're not going to take over. You don't have to hide your children from us. We just want to live in the light. We're tired of being in the shadows, tired of being hunted.

The government made us to be super-soldiers, all of the transgenics. Yeah, the media left out that bit of information. Well, everyone but Eyes Only, but then Eyes Only always tells the truth. Manticore wasn't destroyed by the S1W and it wasn't a veteran's hospital. It was where I was 'made'. Not just me though, all the X5s were made from a genetic cocktail there.

I used to work as a courier at Jam Pony. It was an easy gig and I could blend in there. Hover drones didn't notice me, and more importantly Lydecker or Ames White didn't notice me. I had free runs of the Sector so that let me go wherever I wanted to. I met my best friend there, Original Cindy. She always has my back. It sucks that that sweet deal came to an end when Ames White forced us to go to Terminal City. So, that's where we are now, hoping we can be normal. Whatever normal is in a broken world.

[OOC: Max is from the TV show Dark Angel and open for RP and chatting.]
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Jun. 7th, 2007 @ 02:00 pm Meet and Greets
Well isn't this fun? Soon we'll be sitting around the fire singing Kumbaya.

I guess I should start off with, I'm a freak. It's not like you wouldn't notice this on your own, but I've always learned it's easier to get that out of the way first. You could say I have an electrifying personality, but I prefer to think I was kissed by the Lenape god Mani'to. In other words, I can prove that lightning does strike twice in the same location. Or three times... hell even a dozen times.

My parents had a difficult time adjusting to my 'gift', so after a rather large donation to Thorpe's Academy, little Gwen Raiden was sent away to be someone else's problem. Since I seemed to have electrical volts in the place of blood, my skin couldn't touch anyone else's, which helped me to make all sorts of friends at school. /sarcasm. It did teach me a valuable lesson, suck it up and look out for number one.

What's a girl to do with a unique talent for bending rays and manipulating electricity? Help mankind? Become a Don Quixote like a brooding vampire and tilt at windmills? Nope, I became a master thief and embraced the oddity that is my life. I figure my 'talent' was fate's way of saying sorry.

I picked the one location that would have a high amount of lucrative jobs and not bat an eyelash at a freak moving to town. Los Angeles became home and it was a great gig. I worked on commission and built a growing bank account.

On one of my jobs, I met someone that was just as freakish as me. Actually, more freakish since he was dead. Or would that be undead? Angel and his merry band of do-gooders. Imagine wanting something that cost thirty three million dollars, not for the money, but for the object. He wanted to find a girl with it. Yeah, I thought he was nuts, too. Then he did something stupid, and saved my ass. This in turn made me do something even more stupid, I gave him the Axis of Pythia. Elliot was a double-crossing pri-- oops, have to watch the language on the internet. Who knows who might be reading. As I was saying, the client for the Axis double-crossed me, but in the end I got the Axis and the thirty three million, so my life was happy.

Lovely story? It had it all, intrigue, romance, and even some kick ass action. Ah, but it didn't stop there. After the encounter with Angel and the gang, we went our separate ways. Until I needed them again. I wanted L.I.S.A , in other words, Localized Ionic Sensory Activator. It's a covert device worn by black ops that regulates body temp, heartbeat, body chemistry. It's also what changed my life. For the first time ever, I could touch another human being without killing them. I'm still not quite normal, but being normal is overrated. The electricity thing? It's controllable, and I can still use it to steal my baubles to increase the bank account. The best of both worlds.

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Jun. 7th, 2007 @ 09:37 am Since the sun has set~
Now seems to be the appropriate time to introduce myself to this company. I see some familiar faces, and look forward to meeting new acquaintances, as well.

I am Isabel Giovanni. I come from an ancient family line of necromancers and continue to pursue my interests in existence after death in these modern nights. While we often get confused with your stereotypical mafioso family, let me assure you that there is no truth to that. Believe me. We've a monopoly on Kindred mafioso families that no mortal would believe, and that we keep quietly hidden from other Kindred clans.

Currently I am continuing my role as liaison between the Family and outside interests, namely the Camarilla and the Sabbat. It's a subtle diplomatic dance, but it keeps my nights entertaining.

There is one more not-so-small matter I should bring to your attention. I technically 'died' on 4 April, A.D. 1714, but I've not let that stop me from enjoying my unlife.

OOC: Isabel is from the World of Darkness: Vampire the Masquerade universe. She is open for interaction of any kind - except stakings and forced sunbaths.
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