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[28 Oct 2008|12:33pm]

Oh, like you didn't see this coming.

Sally here.

This is Antigone. Unless you're related to her, she's kind of a bitch. She doesn't really like you. Or care that you exist. kthxbai.

If you ARE related to her, she's still kind of a bitch. But she cares that you exist.

Also, she's a dancer.

the end!
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[28 Oct 2008|03:12am]

Hello, everybody! It's Kassie... erm, again, with three new darlings to terrorise you with.

This little dear right here is Tempestes "Tessie" Malfoy, Scorpius, Cebby, and Brax's ickle sister. She's a Slytherin seventh year and she wants it to be summer so she can have her debut. She thinks Adele is the most awesome person outside of her immediate family, she's very pure (there are no such things as "tits"; they are "you-know-whats," and she'd probably say "bajingo" in reference to her lady parts), and she's very sweet... except to most of the world, to whom she is a little bitch. Why? Because she's a Malfoy and you're not. Respect her Malfoy-ness. :|

Then there are the eldest two of the Zabini boys, Adonis (25; [info]thecuteone) and Absalom (24; [info]absalomabsalom). Adonis was a 'Puff; he is a total sweetheart, if an overbearing one, and he likes making people happy, and contented, and coexistent... and he works too hard. All the time. Even though his work is breeding magical horses. Absalom, on the other hand, is apparently a shallow, self-absorbed Slytherin model... but, in true fashion for my characters, he isn't all that he seems. He'd rather have you think he's a totally vain than think he's upset about always being compared to Adonis (who he hates pretty thoroughly), though. He also has a mad crush on Adele. Do you know about it? Well... if you aren't him, then probably not. The end.

So... let's do things, y/y?!
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[27 Oct 2008|11:41pm]

LOL IT'S TYRA AGAIN. With Al/Elle spawn.

Yes yes, Euan Abercrombie. He's old. Well, you know. 41.

He's a the head of the Hitwizard squad and has been for a few years now. I suspect he knows most of you Ministry folk.

So, Euan's pretty laid back, for the most part. He likes his relaxation time and is a fairly patient man. He thinks you have to be, to raise two boys. He has really high expectations for his squad, but he doesn't like to raise his voice. At least not until you piss him off, which does actually take quite a while.

Chances are though, he likes you. Or at least sees something good in you.
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[27 Oct 2008|08:29pm]

one add here
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[27 Oct 2008|01:53am]

Hi-oh! Emily (again) with my second character, Mr. Cerberus Malfoy.

Cerberus Malfoy, the Middle Malfoy Boy, is a Big Evil Jerk. He's 21, a former-Slytherin, and basically just a bully all around. He'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants, and is thus a vindictive, manipulative cunning jerk. He's also brunette, fun fact. He's not Very Proper, and is rude, crude and loud. He likes getting his way, and is pretty smart underneath the thin layer of sleaze.

I'm contactable at xx emmanator!
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[26 Oct 2008|09:56pm]

HI! This is Alicia with Liam Yaxley's little sister, Evelyn (or Evie if you're a nice person) She is, to say the least, very much like her grandmother. Evie is verrrryyyy loud, somewhat obnoxious, incredibly stubborn, opinionated. And never shuts up, if you didn't get the idea already >.> Due to her very loud mouth and very loud opinions, she has a job at the Daily Prophet (right now writing what other people tell her to write, sadface, though she wants an editorial column to bash the state of the world)

She is incredibly close to her brother Liam, and also close to her grandparents since the siblings were raised by them after FILTHY MUGGLES killed their parents :[ Needless to say, she absolutely hates muggles, hates the idea of them having rights, and all that jazz, even though Ben as an ex-DE taught that it was best to pretend to be tolerant. She was at Hogwarts from 2016 - 2023, and unlike Liam, was a Gryffindor. Yes, another Gryffindor XD Eva is happy, Ben is not.

I can be found at the white birds on aim as usual <3 ilu all
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[26 Oct 2008|05:12pm]


Is Tyra :)

And this is Liam. He doesn't like you. Most probably. And he'll probably make fun of you straight to your face. But he'll do it subtely, because he wants you to think you're friends before he says something REALLY mean and then walks away.

He's a Yaxley, so the pureblood ideals are pretty much alive in him, although for the sake of stealth and not-being-tailed-anywhere, he's pretty quiet about it. It just means that if you're a muggleborn, he doesn't want you to touch him. His parents were robbed and murdered by muggles when he was in school, so a lot of his hatred comes from that. So he was raised by his grandparents - one of which was a death eater, the other was a supporter.

He's very judgemental - he decides whether he likes you or not within the first couple minutes of talking, and then that is pretty much set in stone. It takes a lot for him to actually change his mind about someone, so for him, it's all about first impressions.

Howweevverrr. He was not a Slytherin. Liam is pretty much a genius, and it landed him in Ravenclaw (much to granddaddy!Yaxley's dismay). He's 23, so he was at Hogwarts between 2013 and 2020. He was a bit of a bookworm and did really well in pretty much all of his classes.

And now he's an unspeakable.

Oh, and he has a sister, Evie. He'll kick your ass if you mess with her. He might be a little bit protective.

Anyway, that's all I think. His profile is in his journal and you can totally find me on AIM at Boxes N Lists.

Or you can comment here, obvs. Friends, enemies, etc etc etc?
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[07 Oct 2008|07:04pm]


So this is Brendan Finnigan, Ravenclaw from years 2016-2023. He's 19 years old and currently going from job to job. He's not any kind of push over, but he is basically nice to everyone that is nice to him. He does have a biting sense of humour when he wants, though, so be forewarned.

I already established with Hannah that he'd be friends with Scorpius, but I'd still like to set up some other interactions! I'm up for anything; stalkers, drinking buddies, WHATEVER you might think of :D

So, drop a line, or hit me up at hellomrdeath. I'm about to go to this Rowing meeting thing, blah, but I'll be back at around 8:40.

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[04 Oct 2008|04:45pm]

Hey y'all! Carrah here, wanting to introduce one Nathaniel Cai Bletchley to you. He's a 19 year old former Slytherin, beater for the Falmouth Falcons, not used to hearing the word no, and he definitely thinks he's better than you.

I don't really know what else to say about him at the moment, but I would loooove to work up some lines for him-- friends, exes, enemies, frenemies, whatever you'd like! Feel free to hit me up on AIM or Gmail at heykidbiteme. :)
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[04 Oct 2008|05:32pm]

Ana here with my fifth character!

This here is Ekaterina Amelia Krum. She is Viktor Krum and Susan Bones' oldest daughter. They were a horny couple and very fertile and had four kids in total. Ekaterina and Isabella who are 22, Nickolas who is 20 and Alexsandur who is 18.  Ekaterina was a Gryffindor and Isabella was a Ravenclaw and l left the houses of Nickolas and Alexsandur for the players to pick.

She is a famous pro quidditch player.  She is one of the chasers on Puddlemere United.  Since her father is the famous Viktor Krum, she is in the press on a constant basis and hates the press for invading her privacy all the time. Kat has responded by fucking with them on a daily basis, retaliating and lashing out, unlike her father who ignored them.

She is very outgoing, loves to joke around and will try anything once or even twice.  She is a private person, with her private life and even if she would talk to almost anyone, she only opens up to people she really trusts.

Kat needs best friends/friends/love interests/past love interests/enemies/etc. 

ALSO, I would LOVEEE if people took up her siblings!!!
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[04 Oct 2008|04:14pm]

I am Kati (Kingsley) and here be Georgie Wilkes! Technically she's a Crouch-Wilkes but she won't call herself that since she hates her father.

She was a Slytherin and she's 19, and in AlSev's year. She has a bunch of part-time jobs so you might see her around a lot. She's also OCD and has to keep her time very well scheduled.

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[04 Oct 2008|02:38pm]


Plz to be helping me?

Louis needs interacciones lovies <33
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[04 Oct 2008|02:34pm]

Hiatus for the weekend, then Grammy & Grampa WEasley will get into play. Setting up the new computer (with no troubles pleaseplease *crosses fingers & hopes for the best*) so will kinda be around but kinda not :\ I'll check stuff on the family comp tonight if I have to. And crunching on getting Tempestes/Aili in to the game.

BTW, if anyone knows where I can find good screencaps of CoS, GoF, or icons of Mark Williams/Julie Walters, and could link me, that'd be AMAZING as I'm having trouble finding some. :\

- Ange (Weasleys)
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[04 Oct 2008|10:37am]

This is Snr Demeter. She doesn't care.

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[04 Oct 2008|06:01am]


Say hello to Barty Spawn Number 2, Hallam Caspar Wilkes-Crouch. He's seventeen, in his last year at Hogwarts, and completely obsessed with working at the Department of Mysteries after he finishes school so he can meet his father. :D
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[03 Oct 2008|08:25pm]

Hello, loves. Kassie is back again, but is permanently cut off under threat of thwackings henceforth.

ANYWAY. This lovely little jerk is Iscariot Wilkes-Crouch, Ravenclaw class of 2021, and he's... very pretty, incredibly eccentric, and a perfect poker-face. ...Oh, yeah, and he's Barty's son with one, Jacqueline Wilkes, thus making him cousin-once-removed to Capella, Castor, and Corvus Black. ...How does Barty have a 23-going-on-24-year-old son? Well, good question. Basically, the DoM hijacked his sperm to perform a long-term study on whether or not the Crouch family tendency towards instability is inherited; Jacq was Barty's squeeze/sort of betrothed after Anz got shipped off to Russia and, in memory of the only man she ever slept with, she decided that this was a totally hot idea. ...So she had six kids, of which Iscariot is the eldest.

So, Iscariot. He's very polite and charming and well-mannered, but isn't actually all that nice unless he decides that he likes you. He can do a perfect poker face and, if he cared enough to study, could probably be a decent Occlumens. Most of it is naturally a protective measure taken because he's a very sensitive boy. He's artistic, prone to daydreaming and flights of whimsy, and works in theater and clothing design; being as he is a compulsively aesthetic person, everything he does is pretty. If you're on his good side, he's pretty much yours for life; if your on his bad side, he'll probably hate you forever; most people are on his neutral side, which means that, beyond the occasional moment of intrigue, he doesn't care.

Oh, don't try to talk to him about his father. He really couldn't care less what happens to Barty and, if Jacq didn't insist on the hyphenated name, he would totally just be Iscariot Wilkes. :|
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Pretty Pretty Purebloods [03 Oct 2008|12:35pm]

[ mood | blah ]

If you have joined recently with a pureblooded character, please update the post here.

Thank you!

You may now return to your originally scheduled cracktastic RPing.

And no this was never in Adele's journal. NO. =D


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holy new characters, batman! [03 Oct 2008|09:27am]

Hello, loves. It's your friendly neighborhood Kassie with a friendly neighborhood pile of new people. Introductions will be short, as it's almost time for my class, but stuff. We should do it.

This girl here is Ameretat Kashani, Kshathra's half-sister and daughter of the Quidditch-playing Finbar Quigley. She's 27, a Witch Weekly writer, exceedingly feminine, rabidly protective of her family, and exceedingly meddlesome. Expect her to set you up with someone, whether you want her to or not. ...But she has a good heart?

Alexander Harper ([info]patronymic) is 18, a recently-graduated Gryffindor (in a family of very respectable Slytherins, which makes everyone and their mum go, "wtf"), and he doesn't like you. He's painfully honest, an artist and lay-about, and has two female alter-egos that he dresses as when he's stressed.

Mary-Ellen Macmillan ([info]wtfamoose) is 22 and best-known as either the shopgirl at Honeyduke's or the really slutty Hufflepuff. She's an over-emotional, incredibly sheltered spaz with no idea of how to run her own life, but she'll sleep with pretty much anyone. And she can turn into a moose. Heh.

And, finally, Rosalind Duke ([info]notganymede) is 20, the daughter of notorious bad boy and recovered alcoholic, Kirley Duke (lead guitarist and back-up vocalist of The Weird Sisters). She's cooler than you. No, really. She is.

So, I have class now, but stuff! We should do it!
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INTRODUCTION TIME! [03 Oct 2008|09:08am]

Ohai :D This is Alicia with Narcissa Malfoy! Unlike the rest of that generation with their freakish experiments/encounters with death, Narcissa... has actually gotten old. Ask her age (70), and the pureblood mafia comes after you. Admittedly, it is slightly diminished from the good old 1970s, but some things never go out of style. She's also having her 50th anniversary next year guyssss ♥

As for what happened after the war- the Malfoys were taken into custody, and then at the trial pulled a "OHAY people of the wizarding world, Narcissa saved your SORRY HIDES" and got off completely after some well placed donations. Draco married Astoria, who had far less trouble in getting pregnant than Narcissa had back in the day >.> Temperance the Peacock also had numerous offspring :]

Narcissa has essentially taken the role of society matriarch - not that she wasn't always in charge, but now it's official, and no one plans to challenge her. She absolutely ADORES her grandkids, and spoils them horribly. Yes, Narcissa still believes she is Better Than You (and has the wardrobe to prove it). However, the second war has changed her perspective on life quite a bit, and is slightly more willing to live and let live.


Three Questions you will NEVER EVER EVER ask Narcissa if you want to live (Why do I feel GhostPepper will ask all three?)

1) How old are you?

2) Why is your hair still blonde?

3) How did it feel back in the 1990s to have your son beaten up and tortured for failing at everything, your husband a convict, and your insane sister at your home burning up the carpets? :|

Find me at the white birds on aim :D
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[02 Oct 2008|08:18pm]

Well, better late than never.

Hey there, name's Ange and I'm the slacker who had one hell of a RL summer and completely forgot about this game for a while. Bugger on me. Anyroad, on top of Tempestes Malfoy (who will be getting her pretty little arse in here soon), I am also proud to bring the lot of you the ones, the onlys, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Molly Weasley!!! (YAYOMGWHOO!!!!) Now I know all the grandkids are just so uber excited about this notion, yes? Gram/Gran/Grammy & Grampa are just SO thrilled to be surrounded by all the icklings, off with their own lives....

By the way, for the sake of saving poor Molly's sanity for a few more nights, we're gonna say Arthur took her on a lovely, world-wide traveling spree over the summer and they've yet to return. Sound good? This way they can learn all of the hijinx their offspring have gotten up to all at once and my own poor mind won't explode trying to remember who she would have bitched out when and who's the favorite (aka 'most well behaved') grandkid, etcetc. For an insanely brief (especially by my standards) summary of Molly & Arthur, please see their application.

As for me, I've been RPing since summer of 2005, starting with Ron and continuing at the moment with Grady Bell at BL, past characters are located here, and am now setting up a BRAND NEW COMPUTER IT'S IN THAT'S RIGHT so might still be a bit spotty on getting started. Look for the post that says Grammy and Gramps are back before assuming they've heckled you yet, yea? Please?

Questions, comments, INFORMATION FOR THE GRANDPARENTS PLZKTHNX especially mentionings of what the kids were like as ickles that'd be awesome thanks. AIM is mental splinter. Can't wait to get started!!
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