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[27 Nov 2008|01:47am]

People who play Goldstein-Boot-Corner-Brocklehursts,

So Lisa died because someone's spell accidentally hit her during the Battle for Hogwarts and petrified her and they didn't realize it and then a DE got her.

Do you think/would you mind if it be one of the parents? And which one?

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[23 Nov 2008|11:04pm]


Kati here with two moar characters. And apparently a monopoly on the Juno PBs. It wasn't intentional!

[info]moribund is Lisa Turpin from Harry's year. She died in the Battle of Hogwarts and is now a ghost. She mostly haunts Hogwarts but sometimes it depresses her too much to see the students so she travels around. She used to be pretty nice but now she's just pissed off and really cynical. She's definitely not a happy camper and will try to rain on your parade.

[info]fangerbanger is Alexander Abercrombie. He'll answer to Alex but since he started dating Bella (his secret vampire girlfriend), he wants to be called Alexander. He's the son of Euan and Helena and Dominic's brother, and he's a 7th year Ravenclaw. His girlfriend is a secret but his dad (being head of Hitwizards and all) might know. He has a bit of a vampire fetish, though he's kinda a normal dork.

UM friends/enemies/etc?

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[22 Nov 2008|11:55pm]

Okay guys I am going to be doing a major re haul of nextgen, updating, reqriting, cleaning everything up, etc etc over the next week or so so please:

1. Let me know if you want to drop anything, change anything etc.

2. Let me know if you're not on anything. I know there are a few that aren't for one reason or another.

3. NPC list, if you have NPC pb's let me know and I'll add them up.

4. Run the friends button.

5. Tell me if you want to add parents to a position of power so they'd be on the 'who's who of the wizarding world' list and I'm also going to be adding a 'well known places' list with things so if you want something on there.

6. The character list is going to be split in two, nextgen bb's and then the older ones (pepper, james, barty etc) so it's easier to keep track of.

7. Anything you'd like to see me do/change/etc etc. Yes I know I've been slow on adds. I'll do those first thing tomorrow when I get back from work.
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[15 Nov 2008|02:53pm]

Sally here. Guess who enabled me. :D

This is Jeremiah Creevey, oldest (and only) son of Dennis Creevey and Laura Madley. He's afraid of women, tall people, and people wearing hats or masks. He also likes to dress up like a girl. And take pictures.

The end!
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[08 Nov 2008|01:04am]

Kassie has been shanghaied into ghost!Remus.

He is here to teach you all about respecting books and having sex on Dumbledore's desk.

Upon returning to England from his otherworldly naffing about, he immediately went to his father's (John Lupin, yay patronymic middle names) house, only to find the old bloke still alive, much to their mutual surprise. Anyway, John got him outfitted with a journal and a Dictaquill and he's here to be a relic.

Booga booga booga.
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hay hay [04 Nov 2008|03:53pm]


Kati here with her third character, Dominique Weasley. Funny I could get her done in an hour yet I still can't figure out Alex

Anyway, she's 23 and a former Gryffindor. She's not nearly as cool and collected as her parents - she actually takes more after Ron and Molly, probably. She loves her family and hopes they all sort out all their problems but she's not one to stick her nose in anywhere it's not needed. She's also a secretary in the Department of Magical Games and Sports but she tends to hang around the DMLE floor quite a bit to see her Uncle Ron from time to time (Harry too but not lately and she always liked Ron better) and to bug her HOPEFULLY FUTURE BROTHER-IN-LAW TEDDY and also because there tends to always be something delicious in the break room.

You can read more about her here!

Friends/enemies, frenemies, etc?
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[04 Nov 2008|07:49pm]

So like, this is Cosette - or as she's known on the dotted line, Mildred Cosette Belby. She answers to Milly but not Mildred, but Cosette is preferred. She is 21 and working as a PA because she's a pureblood, but only a middle class one. Sad. She has very nice behaviours though. :D

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[04 Nov 2008|12:48am]

Ana here with my seventh charrie.  I have lost track by now but anyways, this is River Moonlight Barbary and he is Heathcote's son. He was born to  drugged out hippie, so just be happy he is as sane as he is.

He is 25 years old and prefers to go by the nickname Riv, some people call him moonlight. He doesn't care as to which you use. Umm, he is in a solo artist and his music is a mix of electro and rock music.

Just read his profile for more info.

He would be super close to Rosalind, Ludovic, Natalia, Anatasia, Shae and the rest of the Weird Sister offspring.

He is super friendly so if you want to be friends, bring it on.

Oh and like his mother he is all about free love and all. hehe
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[03 Nov 2008|09:47pm]

Guys, npc journal.

name: cracknpc
pass: wordmofos

don't set a default icon, one icon per npc.
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[03 Nov 2008|08:37pm]

o hai. An addiction. I has it.

So... Sally here with whatever number she is, Eden Entwhistle. She's a generally polite person, loves her job, loves her family, and loves to sunbathe topless on the roof of her apartment building. And she'd probably even do it if it was a public rooftop.

She has two younger sisters and one younger brother that she would like to have, please. :D
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[02 Nov 2008|07:22pm]

O hai. Sally here.

I couldn't help it. Kassie is an enabler. So here's Sirius Black, dragged out from behind the veil by those Unspeakables down in the DoM. :D Long story short, he doesn't really remember anything from before Azkaban, just vague memories, nothing specific. And the Unspeakables didn't bother telling him what happened after he fell, so he has no clue at all. Now he's stuck in the basement of the Ministry with Barty.
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OHaiPurebloods [01 Nov 2008|07:45pm]

Okay, so... this may or may not be right. I've guessed on some of these. So, take a look and figure out if it is. Basically Society is anyone who is wealthy/pure for a number of generations etc. Non-Society would be anyone who has is barely pure, blood traitory, etc.

So, without further ado, take a look. And if I've missed a character let me know. Once everyone has commented, I'll send the html to Hannah for the mod comm. :)

Table under the cut )
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kassie has a problem. [01 Nov 2008|06:06pm]

Well, three problems right now.

Dominic Abercrombie ([info]someoldstory) is 20, Gryffindor class of '23. He's a Hitwizard (working with his Dear Old Dad, who is his Number One Hero), he sometimes works too hard, and he suffers from foot-in-mouth-itis.

Emily Shacklebolt ([info]tiresias) is 23, Ravenclaw class of '21. She is also a Hitwizard and is best known for either being silly, getting this guy fired for sexual harassment this one time, or being Kingsley's adopted Asian daughter.

and this is Cecilia Warrington-Vane. She is a crazy bitch. Like... wants to break Antigone Zabini's legs and ruin her life crazy.
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[01 Nov 2008|01:33pm]

OKay guys a few things.

1. Run the friends button? We've had an influx of people.
2. I've added a who's who and a house and years list to the mod journal to try and keep track of everything so if you see something wrong let me know.
3. Please visit here and fill out the form if you've not so I can finish getting the taken list with who plays who up and running.
4. Also I am working on a 'yearbook' of sorts for the characters because I'm a loser so fill everything out here if you want to be in it :)
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[02 Nov 2008|06:27am]

Ohai! This is Penny, with one Evan Stephen Rosier, son of Graley Rosier and Stephanie Gamp.

No, he's not that Evan.

Yes, he has the same name.

Yes, he find this dreadfully uncomfortable.

He's 26, former Slytherin, and is a Healer at St. Mungo's, and is the reason Dear Old Daddy didn't go to Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts. Stephanie is very resourceful and convincing, you see, and told the Wizengamot that Graley was busy helping her conceive every night that month. Evan's not sure if this is true or not, but the timing matches.
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[31 Oct 2008|12:23pm]

Tis Emily and I'm here with two more. Woo~

Firstly, on this journal, I have Tilda Warrington-Vane. Tilda has a few screws loose, that's for certain. She's a bit whimsical. Likes blond men. Knows she's attractive, and lovesssss gossip. She's twenty-one and a former...Ravenclaw? Yup. She's smart. She's working on finding a Nice Pureblood to settle down with and has dreams of a nice wedding. She's also mad temperamental and will fuck your shit up (but only verbally), and is kind of a snobby bitch to everyone.

She's 21, was at Hogwarts from 2014-2021 :)

Secondly, I have Andromache Zabini ([info]andromache_), but if you know what's good for you, you'll call her Andie. And you won't make fun of the fact she has black siblings. The Zabini-Greengrass genetics got a little screwy. :P She's a control freak sometimes, and is a bit of a slut. She will punch you in the face if you offend her. But otherwise, she's a free love kind of person (but she doesn't give her loving to any lesser-blooded people, nope nope nope)
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im in ur nextgenz, seducin' ur pureblood wimminz [31 Oct 2008|01:39am]

...My name is Kassie and I'm addicted to this PSL.

Anyway. This is Sebastien Lestrange and yes, yes, you want to get in his pants. Don't worry, it's a completely natural reaction to have upon meeting him, please try to contain yourself.

Sebastien is Adele and Patrice's middle brother. He's 37-going-on-38, still unmarried, and a total playboy -- but unlike all you youngins he believes in something called discretion. He's a Purist (though not too overtly, not that it matters since his surname is Lestrange), he's more jovial than the average Lestrange, and he's in England "to visit his wonderful siblings" (read: he got chased off the Continent by his Russian mistress's crazy husband).

He says hello and waggles his eyebrows at you. :D
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oh holy crap character explosion [29 Oct 2008|10:33pm]

OKAY since I failboated, after Lily ran away she lived on her own for idk, a couple of days before she was found by INSERT YOUR NAME HERE and got her ass dragged back to Hoggy, not without being yelled the shit at by the parents, and then her journal was taken away.

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[29 Oct 2008|11:57am]

Ana here with her sixth character! WOOT WOOT!!

This here is ANOTHER Daphne/Blaise spawn. This one is one of the whities out of the bunch and he is a prickly one so I will warn you in saying to watch yourself around him.

His name is Artemis Israfel Zabini, yes he rather hates his entire name for numerous reasons. He is firm on the belief that he mother must have hated him to shaft him with a name like that. He can't believe his mother named him after a FEMALE Goddess, then the fact that he gets a nickname like Art or Arty just makes him annoyed even more. He could legally change it, but he listenes to his mother and father and would not go behind their backs and do such a thing.

Umm, he was a Slytherin in Albus'  year and is in  his last year of Unspeakable training.

A few points from his profile to describe him!

- Has an attitude problem and has seen no reason to try to work on said problem yet.
- Has a HUGE ego and thinks he is God’s gift to mankind.
- Will speak his mind whenever he feels like.
- He comes off as a very lazy person who would rather have other people do his work for him. But, he is a really intelligent person, since he got into Unspeakable training. For Artemis, academics come naturally and he does not spend too much time on them. YEAH, he was the one in class who never seemed to study for anything and still got O’s.
- With the few people he cares about he is really fun to be around. He loves to tell jokes, makes sure everyone is having fun and cares about how his friends and family are feeling.

Oh and loves blond women with long legs and so if you have a blond female character, Artemis WILL flirt with you.

He loves his siblings and cousins, even if he acts like an ass. He acts like LESS of an ass around them and actually gives a shit about you.

Despite his attitude, I would like him to have at least two friends who are not his family. This is more something I want than Artemis, he could give two shits if he had 'friends'.
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[29 Oct 2008|02:58am]


So, I have no life and wish to organize a list of who was in which House and had which badges/accomplishments at what times, but a thought occurs: there are a fuck-lot of characters in this here game.

This being realized, I come soliciting your help. Please to be responding to this entry, and fill out the following form for everyone you play:

(or school, if your name is Adele and you went to Beauxbatons)
Years Attended:
(e.g.: Prefect, Head Boy/Girl, Quidditch captain, getting nine Outstandings on your NEWTs, etc.)
Miscellaneous Extracurriculars: (e.g.: Charms Club, Dueling Club, Stamp Collecting Club, Best Smile, Most Likely to Succeed, Most Chronic Masturbator, etc.)
Font: (if you've picked one ♥)
Title/Caption: (e.g.: Scorpius is "The Nice Malfoy," AlSev is "Potter Eyes, Snape at Heart," Barty is "The Crazy in The Basement," Rosalind is "That Slut, v. 2.0," etc.)

Please and thank you, darlings! ♥
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