Crack It Up

liam/harry @ 10:22 pm


WHO: Liam and Harry
WHAT: Hanging out
WHERE: Starting at the LoonyBin.
STATUS: In Progress

Harry had meant every word he told Liam through the journals. He wanted out of the house and he had no qualms about treating the young muggle-born to lunch if Liam would let him. Harry had some galleons left over from Christmas and thought it would feel better to treat someone rather than use them all on himself, especially since Liam seemed a little...well, down, despite the caviler attitude. It was a front Harry felt all too often, after all. Hence, Harry found himself strolling to his godfather's shop mid-day. He stepped through the door, keeping his eyes peeled for either the bloke he was there to visit or Penelope.

Crack It Up