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December 16th, 2022

[info]inthefields in [info]cr_tens

Last Call Before the End of the World!

Inspired by the muggle notion that the world would end at midnight on 21st december 2012, Martin is heading up a party on the 20th (Tuesday) at Renegades. This is a private party and everyone in the Order/Hiding is invited (yes Fabian, even you). This is separate from Christmas and New Years Eve, it’s just a fun excuse to congregate and drink on a Tuesday.

Even though this event isn’t open to the public, everyone is advised not to talk about magic because Martin’s girlfriend Rose will be there starting at 10 (after her shift waitressing). She’s the same Rose he’s been fawning over for a year, but they made it official a few months ago. Her understanding of how they all know each other is that Sirus and James have a lot of friends and family. We’re all connected by the rich guys who own the bar not because we are a secret society of wizards.

The optional dress theme is “wear your ghost outfit,” meaning what you would hope to be wearing if you suddenly died and had to wear the same outfit for eternity. It’s a bit morbid, but Martin thinks he’s quite funny. This is a very low pressure theme, and his outfit is just a nice version of what he usually wears.