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Weight Watchers

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Hi everyone! [Jun. 30th, 2009|09:30 am]
[Current Location |bedroom/office/study zone]
[Current Mood | contemplative]

I'd like to start out the community by telling a little bit about me and my WW journey.
I have battled weight all my life. I don't really eat that much. I tend to skip meals if I get too busy, but I do tend to eat the wrong food. I used to drink a lot of diet soda which is honestly as bad for you as regular soda except for the sugar thing. I ate fried foods, fast food burgers, etc. I hardly ever ate breakfast and didn't drink enough water.

Well in high school as you can imagine I began to gain weight. I'm big boned and was always bigger than the other kids but in high school it started to become a problem. I'm about 100 pounds overweight currently. *sigh*

I did lose the weight at WW before. I like the freedom the program gives me. I like being empowered to make my own choices and it works for me.

I made a mistake and stopped going to WW just before earning my lifetime. I learned the hard way that WW is really a lifetime commitment to myself. So after having my daughter 19 months ago I started back. The trouble time around is I'm older (34 and will turn 35 in November) and I've had a baby. My body isn't the same as it used to be. The weight doesn't just seems to melt off anymore. I have to work a lot harder. So 19 months later I have lost about 40 pounds. It only took me a year before.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hung up on how long this is taking. My health is worth investing my time. I want to be able to keep up with Elora (my daughter) and right now I almost can't really. I'm also a full time secretary and full time college student as of March. I keep house and do most of the cooking as well. Often times I don't see bedtime until 2am! Not getting enough sleep can effect your weight loss but I'm stuck in this routine at least until March 2011. That's my graduation date and I have a goal, folks. I want to get near my Lifetime goal. I want to look good when I walk across the stage and get my AS degree in IT. No, I want to look AMAZING!

I realized my time goes to so many others. Top of the list and is easy to make this choice: My husband and my baby. Unconditional! Undisputable. Then it's work. That takes so much out of me some days I feel like there is nothing left when I get home. I never really did anything for me. I think that's when I started gaining weight again. I lost my "me" focus. So now I made a choice to invest in myself and my future. I'm worth it. It can only benefit my family as well. I know even at a young age I'm teaching better dietary habits than I grew up with.
LinkJourney with me

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