01 June 2013 @ 08:58 am
Keep Calm..  
Conversus Tempore opens in 24 hours!
Once again that is 12am June 2nd, London Time. Check out the widget on the mod journal to see the time and weather! Forecast for the day of the bomb drop is sunny (once the sun comes up... obviously)

Must Read Information for Opening Day )

Google Hangout for Opening Day )

29 May 2013 @ 02:23 pm
Salam and good evening to you worthy friends!!

Welcome once again to Conversus Tempore. Only four sleeps to go!

The game will open 2nd June at 12am London Time
Note: This is Saturday night in the US and 8.30-10am Sunday morning in Australia - use the converter to work out exactly what time it is for you.

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind you of some housekeeping stuff before the game opens.

  • Firstly please make sure you have received and accepted both invites (for the OOC and RPG comms). There were some issues initially with people only receiving one invite. If you still only have the one invite please let us know.

  • Secondly, run the friends button again. Unless you're the last person to have been added, chances are you now have more friends. Hooray!

  • Thirdly, go to the Wanted page to advertise for lines you'd like to fill. I'm going to ask that everyone do at least one of these. It will give potential players more ideas and make it easier to create relationships with new characters.

  • Finally, introduce yourself and your character in the OOC community, make some friends and get to know each other!

That's it for today, but please make sure that you keep an eye on the OOC comm and/or your friends list over the next few days as more information about the opening of the game becomes available.


PS. Anything you want to talk about / clarify, or just to chat, you can contact Cede or I at anytime. Literally, we are on AIM all the time. Its quite sad.