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ADDS/ACTIVITY CHECK [04 Sep 2009|01:02am]
Hey guys!

Adds have been completed. Please run the friends button, below, and download the buddy list.

This post is also serving as our first activity check. Please comment to this post if you would like to keep your character in the game. Removals will be done on Friday 11th September, you must have commented to the post by this time if you wish to remain in-game and, if you haven't updated since August 28th, you must also produce a fresh journal entry.

Also, we've been really pleased with the amount of pimping going on in [info]pbads, and we'd like to encourage anyone who hasn't pimped so far to make a quick post every couple of days - it will make a big difference in getting some of the remaining spots filled, and we'd really appreciate it!

Thanks, guys!
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