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[04 May 2018|09:03pm]
you know what you don't need to do in 2018 to a guy in his 30s? you don't need to say "those things'll kill you" when you see that guy in his 30s smoking. liiiiike yeah, i know that. i don't think there's a single person my age who grew up in the US who doesn't know that?? and yet still people feel the need to tell me!

anyway the stranger who dropped that comment on me outside starbucks the other day will be THRILLED TO HEAR that's it's that time again....that time when i attempt to quit, hoping it'll finally stick. i finished my last pack today and i bought a vape pen (I KNOW) and a bunch of candy to chew on. i have prepared.

i am (cigarette) smoke free starting...........................now. if i get grumpy on you over the next week or so, it's not me. it's the withdrawal. i swear.

(can we vape in the office?)
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[04 May 2018|09:19pm]
I never expected to ever end up posting here, but I'm at a crossroads: I keep cycling through the same four places for lunch. I'm in a rut and I hate it. Being in a lunch rut must say a lot about me as a person, and I know none of it is good. It's like that Betty Draper line: "Only boring people are bored."

Recommendations are welcome so I can stop the endless monotony of sandwich place > salad place (have had to put this one on the backburner lately anyway) > the other sandwich place > Thai place that sometimes gives people food poisoning.

Thank you.
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[ viewing | May 4th, 2018 ]
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