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[31 Jul 2018|06:55pm]

Who: Fin & Brand
What: Baseball game shenanigans – 7/31 Nats vs. Mets
Where: Nationals Park, section 130, row H seats 16 & 18
When: 7:05pm onward
Like a sore thumb )
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[31 Jul 2018|05:10pm]

Notable prefacing facts before lovable nerdy story time:
I am the youngest of six girls (the last attempt for a boy in my family). My sisters range from 7 to 18 years older than me. All of them have married (or subsequently divorced) and either procreated or adopted and thus have families. At this point we’re all spread out all over the world. My oldest niece/nephew is a niece that is a little more than one year younger than me. The youngest is a three month old nephew. There are 24 of them in total.

Now then!
Harry Potter and The Evanesco Spell Conundrum )
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[27 Jul 2018|07:29pm]

WHO: Brady & Brand...Brandy?
WHAT: Morning commute
WHERE: Somewhere on the Metro Green line past Gallery Place
WHEN: Friday morning

Read more... )
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[03 Jul 2018|11:02pm]

Using fireworks to celebrate things that literally exploded and killed thousands of people is fucking awful. and the fact that I have to spend multiple stretches of time a year wearing noise cancelling headphones because you is fucking evil as well Drunk people then furthering this by buying their own explosives and setting them off at random times when they are drunkest throughout the night are even worse. I do not pity you for the fingers you lose or the face you disfigure yourself in your pursuit of drunken stupidity. I do feel bad for your pets and your neighbors' pets because you're scaring the ever loving shit out of them and me. I feel bad for your kids too, if you're the one who gave them the explode-y stick that took off fingers, hands, arms, noses, eyebrows, other facial features, etc. Don't be that guy. If you're going to maim someone with fireworks, maim yourself, not your kids, alrigh? Mostly I don't actually want you to hurt yourself, mostly, but I really, really, really, don't want you to set off fireworks even more than that. Fireworks are satan's fiery diarrhea, ya filthy animals!

With my miserable rant out of the way -- Do have a good 4th of July. Spend it doing some order of civic duty, or doing like our fore-parents and protesting against the autocratic weasel in office and his cronies taking us down Mussolini Way rather than exploding things for shits and giggles, eh?

Thank you and Good Day...Night, time...whatevertf.
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[11 Jun 2018|09:00am]

I had a very bizarre weekend.
Perhaps bizarre isn't quite the right term. It was certainly interesting on some level, though?
Let me explain: I went speed dating.
And what I mean by that is: A friend wanted to try it but was too nervous to go alone so I volunteered as tribute because I have never done such a thing before and trying new things is fun!!

I thought it would be a good idea to come up with a good conversation-starter for this. So I asked people to tell me three things about themselves they considered to be unique(or wacky/offbeat/etc)! Some of them answered pretty readily, the others not so much so I gave them my own three things in kind:

1) I worked for a year as a magician's assistant in Barcelona during University
2) I have synesthesia (specifically chromesthesia - which means, audibly when I hear sounds they translate to colors for me)
3) I am fluent in eight languages and am currently working on learning my ninth.

...the number of men who asked me if I was autistic because (I'm assuming) of #2 was frighteningly high. I know from trying to explain to my own family what it's like to have chromestesia in the past that it is something that seems wholly bizarre to a person it doesn't happen to but for me it's just a second nature thing. It's not a hindrance in any way, it's just a weird little fact about me that most people have never heard of and so it usually provides a good talking point. Or, I suppose it provides a good conversation starter when one is not speed dating??

Speed dating is very odd. My friend didn’t wind up enjoying it very much. It was kind of fun for a few of the people who shared their three answers with me rather than acting like I had asked them a complicated maths problem. Perhaps I've gone about this the wrong way? What would you say if someone asked you to name three unique things about yourself?
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[26 May 2018|11:00pm]

my sister decided that while she spends the next two weeks off on some all exclusive beach resort that i'm the lucky soul who gets to watch her dogs. in spite of my complex not allowing animals that aren't pre-registered with them. so now i have to uproot my (and my dog's) life and stay at her house that's roughly forty minutes away from everything in my life. the only brightside is that it's a long weekend, there's an assortment of meats in the freezer and her bar if fully stocked. some japanese whiskey and a steak or two seems like a fair trade for watching her three, spoiled ankle biting pups. i wish someone would have warned me that this is what your life becomes when you decide to play the role of a decent older brother.

i'm nate and I'm the newest addition to the security team. i'll gladly walk you to your car after dark but please don't ask me to watch your dog
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[26 May 2018|09:26pm]

So... my Parents are coming to visit in two weeks and I need a favor from any willing female. Basically I told them I've been seeing someone off and on "for a few months now" to get them to leave me alone about marriage and kids and dying alone kind of stuff. I've pulled the 'she's out of town for work' trick once already. I don't think I can do it back to back visits. So if you've ever wanted to live out your improve, acting or romantic comedy dreams this is the perfect opportunity. This place is less corporate facebook and less freaky craigslist so I think this might be the place to find a willing participate in my scheme.

For those who don't know I'm Greg and I work in IT at Compass. I hate being called when you jacked up cords, have trouble connecting to the wifi or having trouble saving to the company cloud. I am however the right dude to get things off your fried hard drive, or build you a bomb interactive presentation. Please only request me for those two things. I also really enjoy setting up security for things. So when you get the emails to change your passwords due to a security upgrade just do it. Maybe call for weird errors with your sound and video cards but only after you tried someone else in IT.

You can reach me here. And yes, I freelance after dark for the general public. I'm like computer batman.

Please be my fictional Girlfriend for 72ish hours in two weeks. I'll fix your electronics and such.
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[23 May 2018|12:45pm]

I saw Deadpool last Saturday and, don't get me wrong, I liked it. But the more I think about it, the more I feel kind of... meh about it. It had funny moments and Ryan Reynolds for sure was the right person to play Wade Wilson, but something about the humor fell a little flat for me. Maybe it's because the first Deadpool was so cool and unique, so this one felt just like more of the same. Maybe it's because Infinity War is still such a big explosion of a movie and this one just failed to live up to the same hype. Maybe it's because seeing a bunch of shooting violence so soon after yet ANOTHER school shooting didn't sit well with me.

Who knows. Like I said, I liked it. I enjoyed the movie. But I feel a little disappointed. I guess they can't all be as amazing as I want them to be.

Man is Infinity War good though. I can't wait for part 2 and it's going to be such agony waiting.

What movies are you guys looking forward to for the summer? It's probably obvious that I'm looking forward to Ant-Man & The Wasp. I'm also a little intrigued by The Happytime Murders but the trailer kind of turned me off. And I love puppets.

Speaking of puppets, that Mr. Rogers documentary looks amazing, too. I'll have to bring some tissues to that one.
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[05 May 2018|05:19pm]

Who Travis and Open
Where: Ri Ra
When:Saturday night around 8:00pm
What: Drinks, food, live music.

The 5th of May was full of lots of 'Mexican' themed events in the city but Travis couldn't bring himself to be that white guy who got trashed on cheap tequila all in the name of some holiday he didn't even know a thing about. He was however set on going out. It was a Saturday night after all and he wasn't going to hide himself away. Travis could be found in all kinds of bars but he had a special place in his heart for pubs because they reminded him of home. This particular pub had a great trivia night and a good comedy set during the week. The weekends were good too since they often had open mic and live bands.

Tonight was a two man band with vocals, drums, and a fiddle. Dave and Desmond Doyle were pushing sixty, brothers who made a modest living traveling the east coast playing gigs. Travis came out tonight to see them because they had played at his family's pub when he was a kid. He had a few drinks with them before they went on and hunkered down at the bar with snacks and his phone. He sent out a few texts and made a quick post online letting people know where he'd be. If no one showed up he'd have no problem talking to a stranger but a familiar face was always welcomed.
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[04 May 2018|09:19pm]

I never expected to ever end up posting here, but I'm at a crossroads: I keep cycling through the same four places for lunch. I'm in a rut and I hate it. Being in a lunch rut must say a lot about me as a person, and I know none of it is good. It's like that Betty Draper line: "Only boring people are bored."

Recommendations are welcome so I can stop the endless monotony of sandwich place > salad place (have had to put this one on the backburner lately anyway) > the other sandwich place > Thai place that sometimes gives people food poisoning.

Thank you.
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[04 May 2018|09:03pm]

you know what you don't need to do in 2018 to a guy in his 30s? you don't need to say "those things'll kill you" when you see that guy in his 30s smoking. liiiiike yeah, i know that. i don't think there's a single person my age who grew up in the US who doesn't know that?? and yet still people feel the need to tell me!

anyway the stranger who dropped that comment on me outside starbucks the other day will be THRILLED TO HEAR that's it's that time again....that time when i attempt to quit, hoping it'll finally stick. i finished my last pack today and i bought a vape pen (I KNOW) and a bunch of candy to chew on. i have prepared.

i am (cigarette) smoke free starting...........................now. if i get grumpy on you over the next week or so, it's not me. it's the withdrawal. i swear.

(can we vape in the office?)
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[27 Apr 2018|05:44pm]

I'm Lo, and I'm still at work, taking a quick snack break before finishing up some paperwork for the week. You'll know me as a secretary - despite what anyone may tell you - and I also tend to be the one to order supplies and such. I'm thinking about throwing an invoice out there before I leave so you've got - oh - half an hour if your departments desperately need something. As always, ridiculous requests will be ignored. You know who you are.

What are you doing for dinner tonight? I could use some quick and easy ideas, at this rate.
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[27 Apr 2018|05:17pm]

Yes, I took a vacation day today so I could take my kid to see Infinity War last night. No, I won't tell you anything about the movie, so don't ask, and if you've seen it don't be a jerk and tell other people what happened without getting a signed form from them first. In one word? Whoa.

It's Dover. In Customer Service. The one that has gotten talked to more than once for hijacking spare chairs so I can sit comfortably instead of in the same position for 40 hours a week. I just can't stand and type, guys, but thanks for the advice, I do appreciate it.

Anyway, leave me a gif that describes your mood on a typical Sunday at 6pm.
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[26 Apr 2018|11:18pm]


My Sunday. Now, if I'd been asking for oh, *ten* extra sauces, I might have understood their tight-fistedness. Is that even a word? I'm not sure, but hey, you know what I mean. I was nice, though there might've been a scowl or two. Just maybe. I've been told I give good scowl.

Does anyone have really interesting plans for the weekend? I have a double date with laundry and grocery shopping. I know, be jealous of me. I'll probably go see Infinity War and have a burger the size of my head. As I have a very big head, that's an impressive burger.
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