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Aug. 5th, 2012


For all the people who haven't played at Ridgeway. This is Sirius. He's from Amy's old game which was practically a zoo for fans to watch the characters they love (totally Sirius' opinion). He's been best friends with Elena Gilbert and Laura Kinney who do not know about their luck yet so I'm quite curious to find out how those first meeting go. Min? Amy? One of you up for it?

He's also bringing with him two very adorable babies (veela blood, guys) whose mother is one Dominique Weasley. He's currently being a rather lousy dad as he's absolutely overwhelmed by crying children and he just wishes they would grow a tiny little bit faster.

Sirius is 25, meaning originally from Azkaban. He's a lot more mature than OE's version. And I'm using the word 'mature' for Sirius here. That means something. Of course, he's always going to be a marauder.

He also has a thing against vampires, especially if your the "I have killed in my past and got away with it"-kind (So much love going on inside my head right now) and especially so if your name happens to be Damon Salvatore. And he can probably canon puncture a few of your characters (sorry, guys).

Oh my, I really wanted to wait for the next two weeks but all the awesomeness! Argh!

Aug. 4th, 2012


Well howdie ya'll!

I thought I'd let you guys know that I might not be available much Saturday evening. If there are adds that need to be done I can do part of it from my phone (The friending, and letting into communities part!). But as far as RPs go, and code, I'll have to wait until Sunday. If I'm not too hung over

ERM anyway this affects Maryanne, Laura (X-23), George, and Sophia.

XD but it's just one day so... Not really a hiatus. Just life kidnapping me and not letting me do my RPs. Life is so MEAN!

Love yall <3

Aug. 3rd, 2012



Marie here with her second character: Gale Carasey. He’s my pen & paper character and as I know our gamemaster and I know Dark Heresey, he probably won’t survive long. Anyway, this would make him an OC from the Warhammer 40k universe. A wonderful universe that is. Think medieval craziness mixed with star wars.

Gale is a Vindicare assassin which makes him one of the best snipers in the universe. He’s still a trainee at the Vindicare temple and is currently lend to the Inquisition where he is paid to kill aliens. Characterwise he is patient and a rather practical thinker. He seeks solitary, more due to his job than the wish to be alone. Which leads me to the point that he will NOT live in the apartment building (so yes, your characters can wonder who has arrived who does not show himself, maybe worry a bit or whatever ^^). At least, not at first. He will camp in an office building not so far away where a huge x-wing fighter has crashed into. He will be busy gathering supplies and figuring out where he is during the first few days/weeks so I will be able to take my hiatus time without him doing anything active. After that I think that he might get very interested in a certain spire. I’ve got to admit that I’m rather curious as to see what will happen. He's a rather complex character which I'm looking forward to explore. :-)

Anyway, if you got any ideas for plot with him, spam me!



Aug. 2nd, 2012



Greetings, all. I'm Misha, and I am a compulsive role player.

I'm starting with three, though number four is itching to come out to play too. The first is Daryl Dixon, who's bringing his Orient Express history with him. 'Nough said.

Sam Winchester is coming in a blank slate, no game history. He's from S7, and he'll have Lucifer in his head same as at OE. But it's still manageable, for the time being. And eventually I'm going to have to find a way to 'cure' him of this ailment, but that's a ways down the road.

My third is a new face for my RP. Jaime Lannister, from A Song Of Ice And Fire series by George R.R. Martin. HBO has made the series popular with the series Game Of Thrones, but I've only seen S1, which follows the books pretty closely. My Jaime is coming in from the middle of book 4, A Feast For Crows.

Number four, if he succeeds in earning himself a slot will be Jon Snow, also from A Song Of Ice And Fire. Jon was actually my first muse, because Jaime is a right dick in the first books and I don't really go in for incest, even if it's canon. But that's all in the past by book 3, and Jaime has shown himself to be a stand up guy, despite his questionable history. I still love Jon, though, and it's highly possible he will app himself...soon as I send this post to the boards.

Anyway. I'm a special ed parapro (teacher assistant). School starts a new year on Monday, teachers have had preplanning this week. I am exhausted, because July/August is too early, too hot, to go back to work. There are 10 kids in my class, with three adults. It's still a madhouse. The kids have moderate intellectual disabilities (often Down Syndrome, Seizure Disorders, and many of them were deprived of oxygen at birth due to issues). Their IQs are in the 30-50 range, so you can imagine they are a tiring bunch! Some nights after work I just can't function to RP, otherwise I'm generally here in the evenings after dinner, and I try to go to bed by 11pm EST.

I'm happy to be here, and look forward to getting my guys active! Email is a good way to reach me, and AIM if I'm signed on. Love to you all!



I've just claimed the first thread... so now I have time to introduce myself to this community. Not that there is any reason to as I've played with all of you before.

But well... I'm Marie. I study psychology. I'm a bit busy at the moment. Oh, and I'm from Germany, so please forgive any mistakes I make. I try to avoid them but well... switching between languages all the time isn't easy.

I bring with me one John Mitchell from Being Human who is an unstable sarcastic vampire. Have fun with him! :D

I am sooo excited. :D

Aug. 1st, 2012


First I wanna say OMG Ya'll! Yay! I wanna squee and bounce around and be all nerdy. So I am breaking OOCs virginity... If anyone can see this Holllaaa!

XD Okay enough nerdiness....

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