August 5th, 2012

[info]killedbydrapery in [info]compass_outofc

For all the people who haven't played at Ridgeway. This is Sirius. He's from Amy's old game which was practically a zoo for fans to watch the characters they love (totally Sirius' opinion). He's been best friends with Elena Gilbert and Laura Kinney who do not know about their luck yet so I'm quite curious to find out how those first meeting go. Min? Amy? One of you up for it?

He's also bringing with him two very adorable babies (veela blood, guys) whose mother is one Dominique Weasley. He's currently being a rather lousy dad as he's absolutely overwhelmed by crying children and he just wishes they would grow a tiny little bit faster.

Sirius is 25, meaning originally from Azkaban. He's a lot more mature than OE's version. And I'm using the word 'mature' for Sirius here. That means something. Of course, he's always going to be a marauder.

He also has a thing against vampires, especially if your the "I have killed in my past and got away with it"-kind (So much love going on inside my head right now) and especially so if your name happens to be Damon Salvatore. And he can probably canon puncture a few of your characters (sorry, guys).

Oh my, I really wanted to wait for the next two weeks but all the awesomeness! Argh!