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April 21st, 2012



New Boy!

Hello all,

I bring you my new boy Taylor Maddox. He's ex-air force, very experienced pilot. He's been with the Company about 10 months and is still sort of finding his way. He's generally a good guy, fun to hang out with, flirtatious, but with a mercurial personality. Check out his profile here. Plots & lines welcome. :)




[No Subject]

Hi all! Back from hiatus and with a shiny new puppet. It's not that I <3 this game and can't help wanting to play moar! Nope. We needed a doctor. That's my excuse. *cough*

This is Arthur, or doctor Keller, and he's the resident physician since today, lol. He's just come to us from the Myanmar Motherhouse (Burma), and has been given a few days to settle in before jumping into the thick of things. Once he gets acquainted with people's files, he'll probably start scheduling checkups for everyone over the next few weeks (you can assume this and mention it IC if you wish), since he's basically inheriting what amounts to a private practice with all Cardiff Motherhouse employees now under his care. He'll want to get to know everybody at some point. He's not very warm nor approachable, and he likes to keep it professional, but he is unfailingly polite and soft spoken. Unless provoked, in which case that same soft tone starts dripping with sarcasm on every word. His details are here. Let's plaaay! :D
