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Jun. 23rd, 2012


Game Wide Hiatus

Hey guys, as you've all probably noticed, activity has been non-existent right now. While we don't want to see the game close, mods simply do not have the time to brainstorm and be Nazi!activity!mods just now. David is going to have to be on hiatus for July, due to work reasons, and right now pretty much everyone would be on warning for activity fail.

Rather than boot everyone out, we have decided to put the game on hiatus until time allows for us to do some brainstorming, revamping, etc. This does not mean the game is closed, you are all still encouraged to play, but we will not be closing the game or booting anyone for the time being.

Please understand, we've put a lot of work, time and love into this game and we want to see it succeed, we can offer plot but we can't make people play. We will be looking at officially reopening in August, pending some revisions, etc. In the mean time, the mod drop box is always open, feel free offer ideas which you think would improve the game or just drop us a note if you and your characters are moving on.

Thanks for your imagination, time and writing thus far.

May. 31st, 2012



sometimes the internet is made of win

In today's installment of life imitates RP (yes, I'm officially paranoid folks), these two don't have any shows/movies together that I know of, and yet... well, see for yourselves )

May. 26th, 2012



[No Subject]

methinks Tumblr is trying to tell me something...? )




Ok, so, my apologies for the unscheduled disappearance. After acute bronchitis I had to deal with major drama at work, spotty internet connection and my computer being in the shop, so it hasn't been very fun on my end. But I'm still here dammit!! Waiting for the curse to break my brain to settle while I catch my own breath so I can get back into the fray. I miss playing!!!!

May. 20th, 2012


[No Subject]

Look who's back!

Sort of, anyway. An update: We sold our house in Florida, bought a house in Texas (or at least I'm hoping we sold and bought these houses; I won't believe it for really real until I see my parents sign at each closing)! Now the only things left to do are packing, getting rid of furniture we aren't taking, some last-minute cleaning, and actually getting there. So now I'm feeling comfortable enough with where we are in this process, that I'm going to officially come off hiatus and ask for some threads/plots/what-have-you!

If you're interested in anything with Luke or Maggie, drop me an email or hit my contact posts! I'll be taking another brief hiatus when we actually move, but that's not until June 7th to... I don't know yet, probably the 12th or so, but we can worry about that when we get there.

May. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

I have internet! It is glorious. :D I have a new screen name for you guys to get in touch with me. They can be IC or OOC messages. You can hit me up on noahdetects. In the mean time, while I tag people I owe, would anyone be interested in doing a scene or two with Noah?

May. 18th, 2012


Please welcome..!

Hey guys, we have a new player to the game! Kitty is bringing us Mason Green, a very experienced nurse. Please head over to the friending button to add him to your lists.

Just as a reminder, we are over the half-way mark for the month, remember that each of your characters needs to be active in a thread posted between May 1st and May 31st to pass the activity check! Keep on being awesome.

May. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hi there! I'm jumping on while my work's firewall is down and IJ is unblocked. For just about all of last week, my internet was spotty. Some days, I'd get just enough juice to potentially respond and then it would die. Finally, on Saturday, it just died. So, I've spent the last 4 and a half days completely devoid of internet, but I'm hoping to get it resolved by Friday (a technician is coming!). But I wanted to drop you guys a line! <3. If I owe you a tag, I'm so sorry. I'll get to you once my internet sitch is (finally) resolved. I'm so excited for steady internet I can't even begin to explain.

Apr. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

Hi all! Back from hiatus and with a shiny new puppet. It's not that I <3 this game and can't help wanting to play moar! Nope. We needed a doctor. That's my excuse. *cough*

This is Arthur, or doctor Keller, and he's the resident physician since today, lol. He's just come to us from the Myanmar Motherhouse (Burma), and has been given a few days to settle in before jumping into the thick of things. Once he gets acquainted with people's files, he'll probably start scheduling checkups for everyone over the next few weeks (you can assume this and mention it IC if you wish), since he's basically inheriting what amounts to a private practice with all Cardiff Motherhouse employees now under his care. He'll want to get to know everybody at some point. He's not very warm nor approachable, and he likes to keep it professional, but he is unfailingly polite and soft spoken. Unless provoked, in which case that same soft tone starts dripping with sarcasm on every word. His details are here. Let's plaaay! :D




New Boy!

Hello all,

I bring you my new boy Taylor Maddox. He's ex-air force, very experienced pilot. He's been with the Company about 10 months and is still sort of finding his way. He's generally a good guy, fun to hang out with, flirtatious, but with a mercurial personality. Check out his profile here. Plots & lines welcome. :)


Apr. 20th, 2012



Two new characters are in the game today! Please update your friending button and give them a warm welcome!

Also as a reminder, activity check will go up on the 1st, that means you have between now and the 30th to get each of your characters involved in a thread! There are several open threads to join and some plot to play with.

Apr. 15th, 2012


There's something spooky going on

Over the next several weeks, people in the Cardiff Motherhouse may start noticing some odd things. Aren't you just sure you left that light on? Or that book you just set down, how did it get to be on the other side of the room? You know that feeling like there is someone whispering close by, but you know you're entirely alone, or have you noticed your television flickering strangely for no reason?

All that, and more, is going on at the Company House just now! Players are free and encouraged to work these kinds of oddities into their threads, and Sensitives may have an odd prickle that something is there. If in doubt, feel free to ask a mod, but think low-level ghost sighting stuff and incorporate it to your heart's content!

What is causing it, however... that will have to be uncovered in time. Hope you're not scared of the dark!

Apr. 7th, 2012


[No Subject]

Hey all, I'm sorry I've been more scarce than usual of late. I'm afraid it's going to last for at least another two weeks, maybe longer. The job is training all of us on a new system so until the system is implemented, all the bugs worked out, everyone trained up to par, etc. my work schedule gets to be 45-55 hours plus training. Sooo, I'll get to things when I can and I hope that's okay. I actually have a day off tomorrow whoohoo! haha <3!!!

Mar. 31st, 2012


Please pardon our mess!

Please pardon ever-changing code, missing buttons and random crap that just doesn't function right this weekend, we're in the middle of doing some revamping, cleaning up, etc, and that means David will be doing what David does best: Breaking shit. Promise we'll have it fixed up ASAP.

In the mean time, shiny new backgrounds, buttons are being redone and some more pages added to make game navigation easier and info more convenient to reach. Also, Ben has been so kind as to complete the a First Floor Floor-plan, there's still a few more levels to be completed, but we wanted to get this to you guys as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience, hope you'll find the changes we're working on helpful!

Also, one very last reminder: Activity check happens tomorrow!

Mar. 25th, 2012


Please welcome...

We have a new player to the game today, please update your friends button and give a warm welcome!

Activity check begins a week from today, so please make sure each of your characters have been involved in a thread between March 1st and March 31st to pass!

Mar. 22nd, 2012




okay so... i'm back, i think! *eyes internet* i don't trust it. came back this morning, was gone when i got home from work, but has been up for a couple of hours now, so i'm hopeful. now begins the arduous process of catching up, so please bear with me folks, but i'm SO HAPPY TO BE BACK!!! *clings to all and sundry*

Mar. 21st, 2012


Activity Reminder!

Hi gang,

Just a reminder that the activity check is fast approaching. Just over a week until the month ends, in order to pass, each character will need to be in at least one thread posted on or after March 1st. I know things have been slow, so please double check!

Once Ben's Internet returns, we'll be updating some game info and actively advertising once again, so please remember to update the Wanted page with any lines/characters you want to see in the game.

Mar. 8th, 2012



my ISP must die in a fire

hey guys!!
i'm leaving this message as i leave the office. i'm without internet at home, which is why you haven't seen me around. something is broken and they can't find what it is but it has something to do with some power lines that were laid down nearby. i'm hoping that i'll have internet when i get home today, but i'm not holding my breath. will hopefully be around this weekend, even if i have to crash at a friend's to use their internetz. my apologies to all the ppl waiting for tags from me. be good! miss ya


Mar. 7th, 2012


Sorry for absence!


Sorry I haven't been around much - Had some health issues, then power issues - but am back and working on my tag(s) today.


Feb. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

Hello good people.

Now, I'm sure many of you have noticed that I'm not my usual fast taggy self lately. This is something I deeply regret but can't really help it. Thing is, I'm dealing with some annoying health problems, constant fatigue, migraines and writers block (yes, that is a health problem). I'm not dropping, because I don't want to, and I'm not exactly asking for a hiatus, just a heads up that I will be slow. I hope to have this worked through by the weekend and if this doesn't let up soon I will go see a doctor... or buy some caffeine pills or something :P

I'm still here, just slow and a little sleepy in the head.
