October 2012



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Oct. 24th, 2012


Working Out This 'Date' Thing

Ever since I found out that Lilah from my week at Spring Break worked here, I had to figure out how to get a date with her. Was the wild girl who I spent a week with really the buttoned up lawyer that I first ran into here? Kind of amazing to think about, really.

So, when I next ran into her in the break room, I spoke up. "So, how long have you been here?" I asked her.

Mar. 26th, 2012


Seasons Change - First Day at Wolfram & Hart

It was hard to keep my attentions on college, as I had been a skirt chaser in high school and not much had changed when I got into college, but, when Wolfram & Hart recruited me, that helped a lot in keeping me focused. I was so dazzled that someone from such a prestigious law firm wanted me that I didn't even read the fine print when I signed on the dotted line. All I knew was that suddenly I didn't have to work while going to school and everything as paid for. There was no chance to keep my soul safe when someone's throwing all that money at me.

Soon enough I was being taken on a tour during my first day at the firm in LA. I was starting in the mail room, which I didn't really mind. I was perfectly OK with working from the bottom all the way to the top. There was nothing wrong with paying my dues. One of the more seasons mail room clerks was showing me around as I followed him on his route my first day.

Dec. 23rd, 2011


Bar hopping

It had taken about two hours to get ready,before Lilly and I were out checking out what the town had to offer for clubs. I wasn't sure which clubs and bars Lindsey and his friends would be at, and I knew that Lilly liked to bar hop so that's what we did. We were at the third bar and sitting down sipping our drink and people watching. I was hoping to run into Lindsey.

Sep. 3rd, 2011


Spring Break - College

Spring Break so far had been mostly a bust. Sure, we were in Panama City, and it was fun watching the pretty girls in bikinis walk around and splash each other in the ocean, but no one had really caught my eye for more than a few minutes at a time. Most of my friends had paired off with different girls that they had met, so they at least had someone to hang around for the week, so now I was mostly off by myself on the beach. I wasn't really looking for anyone in particular, but I wasn't going to grab a girl just to have one.

Right now I was sitting on a chair on the beach, wearing a pair of swim trunks and a cowboy hat, enjoying basking in the sun. I was about halfway through my vacation, and was hoping that it would get better before I had to head back to school before the week was over.