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A Challenge Right Up His Alley [Dec. 14th, 2007|03:36 am]

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[music |Top Chef Holiday Special on Bravo]

Title: A Challenge Right Up His Alley
Fandom: Top Chef
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Top Chef is a production of and is owned by Bravo.
Word Count: 100
AN: I traded the prompt "monsters" in table 2 for the prompt "junk food" in table 14. They are #037 in both tables in [info]50drabbles.

Dave Matin was estatic. Now this was his kind of challenge. His favorite find of food. Sure, most of the time they got to use high end products such as caviar. But not this week. This week he got to use such things such as cheetos and candy.

Junk food! Alright! Dave thought to himself as he ran around the conveince store. He felt like a kid at Christmas.

It was no secet in the house how much he loved junk food, especially after he beat Miguel Morales in a contest for eating it.

Tasty decisions. So much to choose.
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[Dec. 14th, 2007|02:51 am]

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[music |Top Chef Holiday Special on Bravo]

Fandom: Top Chef
Rating: G
Pairing: Betty Fraser and Marcel Vigneron from Season 2
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Top Chef is a production of and is owned by Bravo.
Word Count: 100
AN: For the prompt 'fighting' from table 2 for [info]50drabbles

There were raised voices in the back room, but thankfully the judges didn't hear them.

Betty Fraser stared at Marcel Vigneron. His ego was a big as his hair. She, along with a couple others, wanted to bring him down a couple pegs.

He sat there in his chair snipping at her everytime she yelled at him. The other chef contestants in the room watched on as she and Marcel verbally went at it.

She screamed at him about what an ass he is while he rolled his eyes and mocked her.

Season Two was at it again this week.
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Big Red Numbers [Dec. 12th, 2007|01:25 pm]

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Title: Big Red Numbers
Fandom: Top Chef
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Top Chef is a production of and is owned by Bravo.
Word Count: 100
AN: For the prompt 'watching the clock' from table 2 for [info]50drabbles

The big red numbers stared back at them from the back of the room. The numbers going lower and lower by the second.

They rushed as they chopped, stirred, sauteed, and tried to get their dishes to be as they wanted it. Two chefs almost collided as they carried their ingredients.

The big red digital numbers continued to glare at the chefs as the time winded down.

A few of the chefs turned their heads as they worked to glance at the numbers on the digital clock, while others who were far away for it screamed out for the time.
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Judges Table. [Dec. 12th, 2007|12:56 pm]

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Title: Judges Table
Fandom: Top Chef
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Top Chef is a production of and is owned by Bravo.
Word Count: 100
AN: For the prompt 'knive' from table 2 for [info]50drabbles

Padma Lakshmi sat at the judges table with Tom Colicchio, Gail Simmons, and Ted Allen. Just like the four of them had done for weeks now, they had tasted all the contestants food and discussed who would be sent home that week.

She hated this part. Voting people off the show. All these chefs are good chefs. It's just once in a while someone will have a bad night and not be able to have their dish be on point.

Padma looked at the two contestants that were on the bottom two that week.

"Please pack your knives and go".
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