Codetesting - May 17th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 17th, 2005

New Code Ready for Testing [May. 17th, 2005|01:24 pm]


Okay everyone. The newest code from LiveJournal is up and running. I've worked most of the bugs out of it, but now I need as many people as possible to work on testing it for me.

The AJAX comment management allows you to manage comments on your entries without having to change pages. It uses javascript to handle it all now.

And the new age verification system will allow users under 13 to use the site, but in a very disabled manner.

In addition to this make come communities, post in them, comment back and forth with each other.

Everyone who creates an account add it here so everyone else can add it to their friends list to make sure that part of the site is working. Basically do everything you can think of to the test server. Try to find bugs and if you do find any please comment back in this entry.
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