Fanfic by Clo [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 28th, 2008|05:20 am]

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Title: For A Quiet Life
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Mardy/Tommy, implied Mardy/Tommy/Marat, implied Carlos/Rafael
Summary: Tempers fray to breaking point when Marat, Tommy and Mardy move into their new headquarters in Zurich.
Notes: Set in the Halcyon universe, between part 11 and the epilogue of Halcyon.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Nope, not even a little bit.

For A Quiet Life )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jul. 1st, 2005|11:18 am]

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Title: Shantih (Halcyon 11)
Rating: R
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish, implied Federer/Haas, Roddick/Federer, Fish/Haas/Safin
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

Specific part 11 note: ‘Shantih’ is the last word – last three words to be exact - of T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland which inspired this fic, and was translated by Eliot himself to mean "the Peace which passeth understanding."

Part One - The Wasteland
Part Two - Living on Promises
Part Three - If Only
Part Four - Words and...
Part Five - ... Actions
Part Six - Running
Part Seven - Under the Shadow
Part Eight - Playing the Hero
Part Nine - Fallen
Part Ten - Found and Lost

(H11) Shantih )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 30th, 2005|11:14 am]

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Title: Found and Lost (Halcyon 10)
Rating: R
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish, Haas/Safin, Roddick/Federer, Fish/Haas/Safin
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

Part One - The Wasteland
Part Two - Living on Promises
Part Three - If Only
Part Four - Words and...
Part Five - ... Actions
Part Six - Running
Part Seven - Under the Shadow
Part Eight - Playing the Hero
Part Nine - Fallen

(H10)... )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 29th, 2005|11:10 am]

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Title: Fallen (Halcyon 9)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish, Haas/Safin, Roddick/Federer, Fish/Haas/Safin
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

Part One - The Wasteland
Part Two - Living on Promises
Part Three - If Only
Part Four - Words and...
Part Five - ... Actions
Part Six - Running
Part Seven - Under the Shadow
Part Eight - Playing the Hero

(H9) Fallen )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 28th, 2005|11:07 am]

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Title: Playing the Hero (Halcyon 8)
Rating: R
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish, Haas/Safin, Roddick/Federer
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

Part One - The Wasteland
Part Two - Living on Promises
Part Three - If Only
Part Four - Words and...
Part Five - ... Actions
Part Six - Running
Part Seven - Under the Shadow

(H8) Playing the Hero )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 27th, 2005|11:03 am]

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Title: Under The Shadow (Halcyon 7)
Rating: R
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish, Haas/Safin, Roddick/Federer
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

Part One - The Wasteland
Part Two - Living on Promises
Part Three - If Only
Part Four - Words and...
Part Five - ... Actions
Part Six - Running

(H7) Under the Shadow )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 27th, 2005|10:59 am]

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Title: Running (Halcyon 6)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish, Haas/Safin, Roddick/Federer
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

Part One - The Wasteland
Part Two - Living on Promises
Part Three - If Only
Part Four - Words and...
Part Five - ... Actions

(H6) Running )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 26th, 2005|10:54 am]

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Title: ... Actions (Halcyon 5)
Rating: R
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish, Roddick/Federer, implied Federer/Vavrinec
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

Part One - The Wasteland
Part Two - Living on Promises
Part Three - If Only
Part Four - Words and...

(H5) ...Actions )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 25th, 2005|10:49 am]

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Title: Words and… (Halcyon 4)
Rating: R
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish, hints of Roddick/Federer
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

(H4) Words and... )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 24th, 2005|10:45 am]

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Title: If Only (Halcyon 3)
Rating: R (for now)
Pairing: Fish/Roddick (for now, implied), very faint hints of Roddick/Federer, various.
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

halcyon - adj 1: idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; "a halcyon atmosphere".

Part One - The Wasteland
Part Two - Living on Promises

H3 - If Only )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 23rd, 2005|10:42 am]

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Title: Living on Promises (Halcyon 2/?)
Rating: PG-13/R (for now)
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish (again for now.)
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.) But this is one plot bunny that hasn’t had enough caffeine to sort itself out yet and I’m still sorting the threads out, so bear with me.
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, deaths of various RL people you may be fond of, mentions of terrorism, voluntary/involuntary drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

halcyon - adj 1: idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; "a halcyon atmosphere".


Part One - The Wasteland


H2: Living on Promises )
linkcatch a feather

Multi-part: Halcyon (NC-17 overall, various, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jun. 22nd, 2005|10:33 am]

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Title: The Poetry Ficlets (4/5) (Halcyon 1)
Rating: R
Pairing: Implied Roddick/Fish for now.
Summary: … The world ended. People didn’t. Not quite.
Notes: AU fic set in a hypothetical post-‘apocalyptic’ near future (I do love my apocalypses and jumping on the current AU bandwagon seemed like a good idea.)
Disclaimer: Hasn’t… um, won’t happen to my knowledge, the various tennis players own themselves, T.S. Eliot owns ‘The Wasteland’. Blame the plotbunnies. They started it.
Warnings: Abuse, violence, death, mentions of terrorism and drug use, the world post-‘apocalypse', probably more I've missed. It’s all fun and games here.

halcyon - adj 1: idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; "a halcyon atmosphere".

The Poetry Ficlets - The Wasteland )
linkcatch a feather

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