Fanfic by Clo [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Series: Bounty (verse:Bounty, PG-13, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jul. 10th, 2005|12:22 am]

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Title: Bounty
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Roddick/Federer
Summary: Andy’s got a $500 bounty on his head and everyone is stalking him. Roger just seems to find the whole thing amusing.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be, never met them and they probably wouldn't want me to. All real people mentioned during this fic own themselves and I make no claims any of this actually happened. Other than the Australian's $500 bet which was apparently genuine.
Notes: Set around the 2004 Olympics in Athens; specifically Thursday August 19th, the day after Andy lost his match to Fernando Gonzalez of Chile. Roger lost the Tuesday in both the doubles and singles.

And yes, from what I’ve read Athens’ National Gardens is indeed overrun with ducks. :)

Part I

Bounty: Part II )
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Series: Bounty (verse:Bounty, PG-13, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jul. 9th, 2005|12:18 am]

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Title: Bounty
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Roddick/Federer
Summary: Andy’s got a $500 bounty on his head and everyone is stalking him. Roger just seems to find the whole thing amusing.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be, never met them and they probably wouldn't want me to. All real people mentioned during this fic own themselves and I make no claims any of this actually happened. Other than the Australian's $500 bet which was apparently genuine.
Notes: Set around the 2004 Olympics in Athens; specifically Thursday August 19th, the day after Andy lost his match to Fernando Gonzalez of Chile. Roger lost the Tuesday in both the doubles and singles.

Bounty )
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Series: Risk (verse:Bounty, PG, Mardy Fish, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jul. 8th, 2005|12:13 am]

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Title: Risk
Rating: PG
Pairing: Mild hints of Federer/Roddick
Summary: Mini-prequel to Bounty. Mardy gets asked for help from an unexpected person.
Notes: Set around the 2004 Olympics in Athens. This is the morning of Wednesday 18th, the day Andy lost to Gonzalez.
Disclaimer: Not mine, own themselves, don't sue, not worth it, it's all for fun and never happened.

Risk )
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