Fanfic by Clo [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Second of the Five Senses ficlets. [May. 19th, 2005|11:51 am]

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[feeling |curious]

Title: Five Senses ([2] Taste)
Rating: R
Pairing: Haas/Various (both slash and het)
Summary: Tommy explains how everyone on tour tastes different.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never have been, never will be, it didn’t happen and I didn’t do it. Okay, not that last one, but everything else applies.

Taste )
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Drabbles/Ficlets: Touch (Five Senses) (NC-17, Andy Roddick/Mardy Fish/Roger Federer/Mirka Vavrinec) [May. 18th, 2005|11:49 am]

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[feeling |sleepy]

Title: Five Senses ([1] Touch)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Roddick/Federer/Vavrinec/Fish
Summary: Andy can never work out who’s touching him.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Nope.
Notes: Inspired by the Magnum Five Senses ad which can be watched here: Fairly unashamed smut, because what do you expected from ‘Touch’?

Five Senses - Touch )
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