Fanfic by Clo - July 9th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 9th, 2005

Series: Bounty (verse:Bounty, PG-13, Andy Roddick/Roger Federer) [Jul. 9th, 2005|12:18 am]


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Title: Bounty
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Roddick/Federer
Summary: Andy’s got a $500 bounty on his head and everyone is stalking him. Roger just seems to find the whole thing amusing.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be, never met them and they probably wouldn't want me to. All real people mentioned during this fic own themselves and I make no claims any of this actually happened. Other than the Australian's $500 bet which was apparently genuine.
Notes: Set around the 2004 Olympics in Athens; specifically Thursday August 19th, the day after Andy lost his match to Fernando Gonzalez of Chile. Roger lost the Tuesday in both the doubles and singles.

Bounty )
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