April 2009

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July 12th, 2008

[info]clockworkmaster in [info]clockwork_curse

.:Nemesis Curse:.

Its no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy~
Cuz every now and then I kick the living shit out of me~

((As per the vote a week or so back, the next curse is the Nemesis Curse! For those that don't remember, characters that are affected will turn either physically and mentally, or just mentally into their canon antagonist! Those that are simply changed mentally will find nothing strange about the fact that they're suddenly in someone else's body. Keep in mind that the change doesn't necessarily have to be into your character's Arch-Nemesis, as we're well aware that some characters simply don't have one; it can be something as simple as changing them into someone that simply has an opposite personality/viewpoint/value system/what have you than your character. If you still can't think of someone that fits from your character's canon, then we will allow you to change them into an antagonist from inside CW (which doesn't mean you can't use someone from the same canon that's also in CW, just to clear that up now). But we'd like that to be a last ditch effort.

As always the curse is optional. It will end Tuesday night at midnight EST, and starts . . . NOW!))

((IMPORTANT ETA: Just a reminder that the affected characters will have to watch everything they/their antagonist does from the sidelines of their own brain! Think Ginny Weasley being possessed by Tom Riddle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.))