Clever Girl

January 11th, 2018

Clever Girl: A Hermione Granger Community


January 11th, 2018

How to Give Socks and Influence Elves (and Pretty Professors)

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Title: How to Give Socks and Influence Elves (and Pretty Professors)
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~8680
Characters and/or Pairings: Severus/Hermione, Minerva, Lucius, Narcissa, Harry/Draco, OCs.
Summary: When Professor Granger decides the Hogwarts house-elves deserve Christmas presents, it somehow ends up being Severus’ job to make it happen.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize is mine. It all belongs to the clever Scottish lady.
Author's Notes: Written for the 2017 [info]hoggywartyxmas fest as a gift for my dear friend [info]shiv5468. She gave many inspiring prompts to work with, but the one that called to me was: The house-elves want to know why they don't get presents from Santa, someone has to explain. This may involve socks.
Thank you to my beta readers, [info]sevfan and emynn, to my Britpicker, [info]smallhobbit, and to the fabulous moderator. <3

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