City in the Sky; Fantasy
The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.

September 2022



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Sep. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Trajen OTA
What: taken out of his world and thrust into a new one.
Where: unknown
Status: Locked/Incomplete.
Confusion )

Sep. 4th, 2022



The first wave ;

Who: Rothgar . Lizabella
What: Magical arrival
Where: Forest of Fangs
When: Time unclear…
Rating: TBD
Status: Locked / Incomplete

Appearing in a flash of light, that which was blinding to any of the creatures in the vacienty. As the light dissipated, seemingly being devoured by the endless darkness. A figure of a woman fell into view, as a lumming dimness of light gave away to seeing clearly what was seemingly a human woman dressed in studded leather battle armor.

Lizabella, a battle worned blonde, with ambiguously uncertain certainty of class. Unknown was, she had just been plucked out of a realm which was folding inward upon itself. With that of the grand magick of a wish. Lizzie had just previously been in the depth of battle, and then unforeseenly spirited away in a pulsing vibrance of magick. Thrown off kilter, the woman adjusted as the light faded. The woman was blinded, not knowing where she'd found herself.

When her sight adjusted, the woman found herself standing in a forest, whose limbs had been twisted and turned. Far beyond the horizon was a massive mountain range. The woman immediately took note of the humidity and heat in the air. Lizzie slowly adapted to the light and new surroundings. Finding none of it similar, nor any of those who'd been on the battlefield. Though it was only one other, her heart cared for seeing. The only person in her life that mattered, Sorume. The woman heard something unto, which was possibly the east. A shot of light filling the sky, in blinding rays.



New Beginnings

The land of Nimbus had been bathed in darkness for going on its third fortnight. A great battle had been fought in the language of magick, which separated the alliances of the founding lords. The kingdom had been highly influential within the world, unto which the massive magical island in the sky. The battle had abruptly sent the land into an abyss, that of which no native Nimbusian had ever seen. The fallout was to be greater than anyone, including the ruling house, could have foreseen.

An outsider, that which had kept a steady attention to the kingdom over the span of 246years since the first rise of the kingdom. This outsider took a great leap in the direction of salvation for the land. The island’s foundation was built upon cosmic magick. This outer worlder was able to assist from afar. Thus, Nimbus as it hurtled toward the darkened abyss, this Watcher aligned phasing portals as the island shifted planes. When it settled into the seemingly unending darkness, a delayed time-lapse plucked warriors and creatures of interest out of their planes, and timelines. The first set of arrivals was distributed in random order amongst the Forest of Fangs. That which spanned the base of what appeared to be mighty mountains. As the individuals phased into the physical, so had the faints of light. With no real clue as to the source of this dimming glow.

+link for first introductions.