June 21st, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]circle_round

Litha with the kiddies!

Sorry I'm just now getting to posting about Litha and spending it with the family. My mom is in the hospital with major surgery and is likely to be there for the next couple of months.

Anyhow, Litha is Midsummer. The Summer Solstice....the longest day of the year. What a great time to spend out of doors with the kids. Ways to celebrate Litha with the young ones is to go on a nature hike. There are great parks in your area/city. Just google area parks in your zip code or city and it will show you a whole list of great ones.

Play in the dirt! Even living in an apartment you can get yourself and the kiddies outside and plant something. I've found with a large enough pot, tomoatoes do really well and with the samonella found in grocery tomatoes lately, why not grow your own?

Spend some time at the pool today but do it in a special way. Get the kiddies swimming by all of you pretending to be a mermaid. You can make a story or look one up on the internet to share with your children.

Well, hope your Litha holiday is filled with fun and family love.

Blessed Be!