May 21st, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]circle_round

Time with your kiddies

I was watching (no I was addicted to) Surviving Motherhood while I was on leave after giving birth to my daughter, Elora. (Almost 8 months old now! Wow time flies!)

One of the issues was using TV as a babysitter. This mom was having a difficult time getting her son to go out and play or to come and eat dinner because he was always in front of the TV. She admitted that because she works from home, she puts him in front the boob tube to keep him occupied so she could have conference calls etc. She fell into the trap of having TV be a babysitter.

It's a many of us fall in. Over breakfast with Elora, I have a habit of turning on the computer to check my email. I think I'll stop that though. I can turn on the internet radio for us, but I think I'll move the high chair into the dining room for meals. She's young enough now to start good habits. I do let her watch TV now for one hour at home before she goes to my mom's (Sprout TV is a PBS station) and my mom lets her watch some PBS in the afternoon when Curious George and stuff is on. My mom and Grandma though never seem to ever turn off the TV though so I had a chat with my mom to limit Elora's time in front of the TV. So my mom takes her out in her stroller around her neighborhood, lets her roll around in her walker in the kitchen, and they interact with toys. My mom feeds her in the dining room at her place. I'm glad.

While there are many shows on TV that are good for Elora to watch, too much of even a good thing isn't good. We read together (well, I read and she listens to me) and I make sure to pack a couple of little books. So, my mom reads to her too. And we listen to some music in the car and over breakfast. She's a pretty well rounded child and I'm rediscovering pursuits other than the TV. I think it's been good for the whole family.

Now, one thing I haven't yet begun to scratch the surface is her spiritual training. We listen to pagan music and she loves our drumming. She's awefully good in circle as well. When she gets a little older, I'll let her go to my sister's church with her cousin, Sierra and I'll teach her about different faiths. I hope to give her the tools where she can choose her own faith when she's ready.

As she gets a little older as well, I hope to have a few more children in our coven and we can have a children's worship circle before the adults get together for ours. The children will most welcome both circles and visaversa.

How do you worship with your kiddies?