May 6th, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]circle_round


Had a really nice Beltaine with friends over as we also celebrated our wedding anniversary.

Poor Elora however. She was very tired by the time we got started. My crazy work schedule often leaves her not wanting to take a nap during the day even though she gets tired. She finally (about halfway through the ritual) had enough. I let my DH out of the circle to take her back to the apartment to put her to bed. Poor lil' wee thing! Sometimes that happens. She slept well and woke up for a diaper change several hours later. She was too tired to eat much dinner so let her have a snack when she woke up. She had her first hummus. LOL! She loved it! The cracker I was putting it on was only the delivery system for the hummus to the belly. :)

Now since we're in an apartment complex and we were using the common outdoor area for our ritual, we did have some inquisitive boys come over to watch. They were very good, somehow knowing not the disturb the circle. They watched quietly and when we began to pack up, they asked questions. So, we shared the rest of the sabbat cake with them and one of the people attending (a hermetic mage often joins us for ritual as our main holiday rituals are public) answered their questions. It was really quite nice.

Anyhow, I hope everyone had a nice Beltaine!